London, Paris, Rome, Capri and Milan (1 Viewer)

King & Country

May 23, 2005
Hi Guys,

A very big thankyou to all the many K&C collectors and dealers I (and the K&C team, Kristy, Kin & Halo) managed to meet during the recent “Euro Road Trip”.

The enjoyment and enthusiasm many of our collectors have for our collective efforts throughout the years is truly humbling.
Although it’s always great to meet once more old friends it’s even nicer to make brand-new collectors and I had the pleasure to “meet’n’ greet” quite a few in all 5 destinations.

An extra special “Thankyou” to Tom Foxon and his team from Guideline Publications. They made K&C’s participation in the London December Show possible.

Also to Phylip & Valerie Bultez of “Figurines & Collections” for our joint Paris event and Sylvie & Marie Alix of “Solda‘ Telis” also in Paris.

Thanks to Sr. Stefano Allorini of “SAIMEX” in Italy who organized no less than 3 highly successful events in Rome, Carpi and Milan as well as working with our team at the London Show.

Thankyou one and all,
Hi Guys,

A very big thankyou to all the many K&C collectors and dealers I (and the K&C team, Kristy, Kin & Halo) managed to meet during the recent “Euro Road Trip”.

The enjoyment and enthusiasm many of our collectors have for our collective efforts throughout the years is truly humbling.
Although it’s always great to meet once more old friends it’s even nicer to make brand-new collectors and I had the pleasure to “meet’n’ greet” quite a few in all 5 destinations.

An extra special “Thankyou” to Tom Foxon and his team from Guideline Publications. They made K&C’s participation in the London December Show possible.

Also to Phylip & Valerie Bultez of “Figurines & Collections” for our joint Paris event and Sylvie & Marie Alix of “Solda‘ Telis” also in Paris.

Thanks to Sr. Stefano Allorini of “SAIMEX” in Italy who organized no less than 3 highly successful events in Rome, Carpi and Milan as well as working with our team at the London Show.

Thankyou one and all,

Dear Andy,
it's great to meet you every year and listen to the news. This time, you made happy all the italian collectors announcing the series dedicated to "Folgore", the set dedicated to the liberation of Mussolini on "Gran sasso", and most importantly, the new line "classic" which will save money without compromising quality! Please continue to amaze us with your fantastic ideas! I hope to see you again soon. Merry Christmas and happy new year to you and your family.
Dear Andy,
it's great to meet you every year and listen to the news. This time, you made happy all the italian collectors announcing the series dedicated to "Folgore", the set dedicated to the liberation of Mussolini on "Gran sasso", and most importantly, the new line "classic" which will save money without compromising quality! Please continue to amaze us with your fantastic ideas! I hope to see you again soon. Merry Christmas and happy new year to you and your family.

Wow!, Folgore and Mussolini at Gran Sasso (assuming Fallschirmjager on rescue mission....). This is great news. I'm in!!
Hi Guys,

A very big thankyou to all the many K&C collectors and dealers I (and the K&C team, Kristy, Kin & Halo) managed to meet during the recent “Euro Road Trip”.

The enjoyment and enthusiasm many of our collectors have for our collective efforts throughout the years is truly humbling.
Although it’s always great to meet once more old friends it’s even nicer to make brand-new collectors and I had the pleasure to “meet’n’ greet” quite a few in all 5 destinations.

An extra special “Thankyou” to Tom Foxon and his team from Guideline Publications. They made K&C’s participation in the London December Show possible.

Also to Phylip & Valerie Bultez of “Figurines & Collections” for our joint Paris event and Sylvie & Marie Alix of “Solda‘ Telis” also in Paris.

Thanks to Sr. Stefano Allorini of “SAIMEX” in Italy who organized no less than 3 highly successful events in Rome, Carpi and Milan as well as working with our team at the London Show.

Thankyou one and all,
Thanks to you Andy , i didn't have the chance to be there with you, but i sent my brother (who per chance happened to be in Rome ) to meet the great man (because you are great) and you were so kind to him!!! Thanks to Enrico and Stefano too, wonderful guys and i'm really eager to see the new series!

Viva King & Country!
The "classic line" seems an interesting concept! Hope we wont have o wait too long for details! Gran Sasso raid sounds interesting. I assume the Folgore will appear as they did at Alamein.
Wow!, Folgore and Mussolini at Gran Sasso (assuming Fallschirmjager on rescue mission....). This is great news. I'm in!!

....And in it the waffen ss Otto Skorzeny, of course....
Hi Andy,

I always like reading these posts about some travels you had, be it a tour of the U.S.A., i.e. California, Illinois, Texas, or Australia and/or Singapore, or the recent European journey you just described here.
Traveling the world for "Toy Soldiers", what a profession/career to have !!!

Sometimes I caught myself, dreaming it up to do something just like that :rolleyes2:

Oh well, I'm very aware that what you're doing is not only traveling and pleasure, but a tough and competitive business, but hey, at least it offers periods of fun and excitement.

Enjoy what you're doing, and keep up what you're doing, with your team, you're good at it :wink2:


Hi Guys, hi Konrad (Kogu),

Many thanks for your kind and appreciative ‘post’ regarding my recent travels ... Believe me my friend I know just how fortunate and lucky I am !!! Many times over.

First, I get to come to work each day and “play with toy soldiers!”
Then I get to work with a team of highly-talented, skilled and enthusiastic co workers here at K&C in Hong Kong and China.
And last ... but certainly not least ... from time to time I get to go overseas and meet face-to-face with many of our great K&C dealers and collectors. The value and input I get from these meetings in the U.S., Australia, Europe and right here in Asia is invaluable and far, far outweighs the financial cost to King & Country.

What our collectors and dealers say, suggest and occasionally criticize is vitally important to what we do and how we do it.
Forums, like this one, are also extremely useful to myself and all of us at K&C HQ in Hong Kong. They keep us in touch with additional collectors who, for one reason or another, we don’t get to meet in person as we traverse the globe.

All of your input is read and analyzed ... Some we may disagree with ... Others we happily concur with and more than a few may change a particular direction we’re going in or even propose a brand-new way that we may never have thought of ourselves.

For all of that and much, much more I thank you and wish everyone A Very Merry Christmas!
Hi Guys, hi Konrad (Kogu),

Many thanks for your kind and appreciative ‘post’ regarding my recent travels ... Believe me my friend I know just how fortunate and lucky I am !!! Many times over.

First, I get to come to work each day and “play with toy soldiers!”
Then I get to work with a team of highly-talented, skilled and enthusiastic co workers here at K&C in Hong Kong and China.
And last ... but certainly not least ... from time to time I get to go overseas and meet face-to-face with many of our great K&C dealers and collectors. The value and input I get from these meetings in the U.S., Australia, Europe and right here in Asia is invaluable and far, far outweighs the financial cost to King & Country.

What our collectors and dealers say, suggest and occasionally criticize is vitally important to what we do and how we do it.
Forums, like this one, are also extremely useful to myself and all of us at K&C HQ in Hong Kong. They keep us in touch with additional collectors who, for one reason or another, we don’t get to meet in person as we traverse the globe.

All of your input is read and analyzed ... Some we may disagree with ... Others we happily concur with and more than a few may change a particular direction we’re going in or even propose a brand-new way that we may never have thought of ourselves.

For all of that and much, much more I thank you and wish everyone A Very Merry Christmas!

Dear Andy, I'll wait like a child your new productions, thank you for everything, I wish merry chistmas and happy new year ...but... as we have said together in Novegro: "BUON ANNO NUOVO!!!" Enrico
the set dedicated to the liberation of Mussolini on "Gran sasso"

According to Skorzeny' s book " the unknown war" this was the plan:

Operations chief at " Campo imperatore": captain Otto Skorzeny.

Operations chief in the valley: major Harald Mors.

D-day: sunday september the 12,1943

12 sailplanes towed by 12 Henschel planes; 9 armed men plus the pilot per plane.

Sailplane n° 1 and 2: the second para company with 4machine guns and 14 special rifles.

Sailplane n°3: Otto Skorzeny with an italian general and some Waffen ss men.

Sailplane n° 4: Liutennant Karl Radl, Skorzeny' s assistant and more Waffen ss

Sailplane n° 5: More second company paras

Sailplane n° 6: More second company paras

Sailplane n° 7,8,9 and 10: More second company paras

Sailplane n° 11 and 12: More second company paras with heavy weapons: 2 heavy machine guns,2 medium howitzers, 2 light paras cannons.

According to Skorzeny' s book " the unknown war" this was the plan:

Operations chief at " Campo imperatore": captain Otto Skorzeny.

Operations chief in the valley: major Harald Mors.

D-day: sunday september the 12,1943

12 sailplanes towed by 12 Henschel planes; 9 armed men plus the pilot per plane.

Sailplane n° 1 and 2: the second para company with 4machine guns and 14 special rifles.

Sailplane n°3: Otto Skorzeny with an italian general and some Waffen ss men.

Sailplane n° 4: Liutennant Karl Radl, Skorzeny' s assistant and more Waffen ss

Sailplane n° 5: More second company paras

Sailplane n° 6: More second company paras

Sailplane n° 7,8,9 and 10: More second company paras

Sailplane n° 11 and 12: More second company paras with heavy weapons: 2 heavy machine guns,2 medium howitzers, 2 light paras cannons.

View attachment 204582View attachment 204583

Great historical analysis, I agree on everything. Thanks for the support!!! Andy will appreciate as said repeatedly our suggestions! Enrico
Always great to catch up with you, Andy! This makes five different cities, four different countries, and three different continents (I sound like a stalker! Is that any sort of record?) that we've met up and always great comradery! Kelly and I send our best to you and the entire K&C team in this holiday season and the coming year!

We have had the Folgore, I wonder when the Gran Sasso rescue of Mussolini figures/set may be out, and how its production is coming along?
We have had the Folgore, I wonder when the Gran Sasso rescue of Mussolini figures/set may be out, and how its production is coming along?

Hi Rudi,
What I can tell you is that it's coming along...But other topics have, at this time, a higher priority in the production schedule.
I will however keep the Forum informed as the project develops.
Thanks for your interest and best wishes,
That would be great Andy, thanks, I think it could be a great range ( what with the range "personality" figures....range of smocks, maybe netting to helmets and FG42's) ....although I will admit I feel spoiled for choice now at the new Ramcke and Folgore and will have a many happy weeks ahead ordering them and then waiting for them to arrive !
Cheers !
Hi Andy, i admire the great effort to decrease the price of the figures mantaining great quality with the 2 new series (IDF and USMC plus i noticed the new US BBA )...but lately i've seen a great , wonderful documentary about Chosin reservoir and i'm asking myself why not a Korea range? I think those marines deserve to be represented! Here is the link:
Hi Andy, i admire the great effort to decrease the price of the figures mantaining great quality with the 2 new series (IDF and USMC plus i noticed the new US BBA )...but lately i've seen a great , wonderful documentary about Chosin reservoir and i'm asking myself why not a Korea range? I think those marines deserve to be represented! Here is the link:

Hi my friend,
Thanks for the suggestion...Being a former Royal Marine myself I am more than partial to any and all 'Marine' figures!

The epic 'Frozen Chosin' could indeed be a very interesting battle to depict in miniature and does indeed deserve to be represented...But if you care to look at the 'posts' of recent days and weeks you will see no shortage of additional campaigns and battles that other collectors also believe 'deserve to be represented'...

'The entire Italian Campaign' for instance and just today 'Fallschirmjager in Normandy'...And that's just the tip of the iceberg...All worthy suggestions and all 'deserving' in their own unique way.

The problem arises when you realise that every 'maker', K&C included, only has limited resources and must make difficult choices in what they make and when to make it...and importantly, what will appeal to the great majority of collectors around the world.

Believe ain't easy ..but it sure is FUN...So keep those suggestionsvand ideas coming in...Who knows it might be yours that does get 'picked-up' and developed! But don't get too depressed or frustrated if your personal favourite doesn't win 'first prize'...There's always next time.

Best wishes and happy collecting & suggesting!

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