Looking for Fire & Water Miniatures (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
May 22, 2005
I am looking basically for stand alone miniatures of fire and water, that can stand up and are a few inches tall. Something made of resin or other durable material.

Any ideas? I have looked looked and nothing.
I can only think of kits, that you would build yourself, don't know if that would help.

Verlinden has fountain sets, and Armand Bayardi used to make resin kits of fountains, in his catalog of diorama pieces. But you'd have to assemble and paint them, and supply the water effect (eg, Woodland Scenics, or other various clear resins or epoxies).

I'm sure some of the finished figure collectors will know more about ready-to-display pieces.

I'm also thinking now of our favorite hunting ground, Michael's. Not sure, but some of the miniature lines they carry may have something, probably a little more finished-looking, like a Victorian town fountain or something similar.

Looking for something like these:




The person who made these has stopped production. There is nothing out there like these that I know of.
I'm still thinking that the collectible miniatures market might have something similar. I'm going to take a look around and see what I can find. Remember the wonderful iron fence that turned up at the Canadian dollar stores? The hunt is on!
I need this stuff in bulk... like wholesale. If you find anything, let me know who manufacturer is...

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