Looking for ideas and personal opinions (2 Viewers)


Private 2
Jun 25, 2013
Hello I am looking to start making a diorama and start a new collection. I have a battle of the bulge collection currently.
I want some ideas and personal views on what you feel make the best dios with the available buildings, terrains and soldiers & vehicles available for purchase. I am a ww2 collector so don't know out of a DDay Us paras dio , Eight Army or Operation Market Garden. If anyone has dios of there own to give me some idea that would be brilliant.
Many thanks
Hi Jordan here a couple of my dioramas. hope it will help you.


tomorrow I place more there.

You can make a snowing landscape...That will give importance to the figures, and will make a great weathering to soldiers and vehicles; even without buildings it will make a nice dio.

WIN_20150515_155915.JPGWIN_20150515_160150.JPGWIN_20150515_160251.JPGWIN_20150515_160806 (2).JPG
The last one for now.
hope you have an idea now.

SS Pz Korps at Kursk (12).JPG
SS Pz Korps at Kursk (11).JPG

SS Pz Korps at Kursk (8).JPG

Normandy 2010 met ciel 181.JPG

Normandy 2006 009.JPG

Have a great weekend!!:):)
greeting Harrie
Hello Jordan, and welcome.

While I do not have WWII dios, as I am an FIW / AWI / 1812 collector, there are some characteristics that all of the superior dioramas (HARRIE's or GUY's) or any of the 1000's of super dios that appear here on the forum.

Here are a few (IMO) that I believe really add to the scene and make it something special. Other master diorama makers on this forum can add more hints I am sure.

1) Tell a story in the diorama, rather than just a collection of figures randomly placed. It doesn't have to be complicated. In fact the simpler the better.

2) Choose the appropriate ground cover and accessories that make the diorama come alive.

3) If at all possible, cover the bases or take pictures at street level and block the bases with rocks, debris or other accessories.

4) Use accessories to add to the realism. For example in a destroyed building, rather than just rubble have broken tables, chairs, bottles, pictures on the walls, broken glass in the windows and sooooooooo much more

5) Choose an appropriate backdrop. There is nothing more distracting than to see living room furniture, paint bottles or pictures of Aunt Gracie in the background.

6) Consider your lighting for the proper effect. Depending on the diorama story and what you are highlighting the right light can really make a big difference

7) Know how to work your camera to get a good focus and depth of field. Take a bunch of shots and practice until you get the desired effect.

8) Take your time and have FUN!! It'll show in the final outcome.

Good Luck, Jordan!

--- LaRRy
Larry has already mentioned the most important points but here are some more tips,

-take real pictures taken on the battle fields as a guidance, a starting point ( they can inspire you with lots of ideas)
-gather all the items together you want to use in your dio. Choose these items according to the size of the dio you want to make-A big tank in a small vignette is pretty wrong
-make a ( scale) drawing of what you have in mind and indicate on it the exact position of every item you will use ( houses, trees, vehicles, figures etc ...) this will avoid some nasty
surprises when putting your dio together. It will help you visualize the end result.
-Every square cm has to tell a story or show something
- add as many details as you can, it will bring life into your dio.
- do not always make a battle scene . Soldiers spend 80% of their time waiting and preparing for battle.
- Adapt vehicles and soldiers-through weathering techniques - to the scenery you put them in!!!!!!! ( you can use pigments to obtain the desired effect)
- TAKE YOUR TIME !!!!!! A diorama is more than just flinging a couple of soldiers and an AFV on a board !!!!!!!!
Thank you to everyone for all the photos, tips and recommendations they are hugely appreciated :). I will get going and post photos when the ideas start coming together .
Many thanks

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