Looking for JG Miniatures' "Inclined Pales" - #M33 (1 Viewer)


Jul 11, 2009
Looking for those with the lighter green grass matting to match JG Miniatures original and now retired Union Gun Battery and Sally Port with the same light green matting. Latest production is those with the brownish green matting. Please send PM with pricing (looking for 5 or whatever is available).
You might try giving hobby bunker a call- I thought I saw some last I was there. If that doesn't work, I can tell you how to make them in less than an hour, or even whip up a batch. The are not that hard!
Very interested in how they can be made. Hobby Bunker does not have the older stock, in fact they are presently out of stock.
I will post a quick how to as soon as I can. All you need is woodland scenically flocking, dirt, a fair amount if white glue, some sticks, a knife, and some wax paper.

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