Looks like a great book! Wish you luck!
Thanks Sandor! I have many of Pierre Conrad prints that I bought at Le Cimier store in Paris nearly 10 years ago and which I believe are part of this book. Unfortunately I didn't know about this one until recently so I am curious about it since the cover page is by itself a piece of art. :smile2:
I did a search at Abe Books (www.abebooks.com), but no luck. I recommed the site, though, as a good place to look, in general.
Another vendor to try is Dennis Shorthouse, of On Military Matters (www.onmilitarymatters.com). He deals in currently-published as well as out-of-print books.
Berliner Zinnfiguren (www.zinnfigur.com) is another good place to look. They have a running inventory of old books, their "Antiquariat". Good place to look for titles that originated in Europe.
Hope that helps, prosit!
I agree, very nice cover. I recently lucked out at Hobby Bunker- two Detaille coloured pieces (each of 2nd empie soldiers), and both framed (and very nicely at that), for just $15 a piece. Can't resist those military prints:wink2:....
By the way- who is your favorite painter of Napoleonic subject matter? Mine is Detaille.... such detail{sm4}!