Luchs Spaher Aus! (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Oct 17, 2012
Here are a few other vehicles that arrived yesterday:

A pair of Panzer II Luchs of the 35th Panzer Regiment, 4th Panzer Division out on patrol in the Kovel / Brest-Litovsk area in the winter of 1943/4.

One is an early model still chugging along, and the lead vehicle is a more recent replacement:

you can also see I was experimenting with vegetation from my yard. They do not really fit, but the Sage tree from Andanna works great.

Also, was able to create a log pile from some stuff I found.
Straight to the meat grinder of the Eastern front. These look so good on this terrain, brilliant. I think that hay/straw bale needs some work, perhaps dug in a little. Robin.
Straight to the meat grinder of the Eastern front. These look so good on this terrain, brilliant. I think that hay/straw bale needs some work, perhaps dug in a little. Robin.

Oh yes, I will eventually break it up into more realistic bales. Also, will add some real mud and snow. Maybe next weekend.

Some of the bales will go in the barn or attached shed, but I like your idea for the others. half covered in snow.
Oh yes, I will eventually break it up into more realistic bales. Also, will add some real mud and snow. Maybe next weekend.

Some of the bales will go in the barn or attached shed, but I like your idea for the others. half covered in snow.

The dio looks great so far Larry but I'm curious when you say you will be adding "real mud and snow". Is that literally what you are going to do or slip of the tongue? I reckon if you covered the foam with some sort of artificial mud and snow it would look superb. When I created my winter dio, I just covered the foam with plaster and paris, let it dry and then painted the road areas in an earth colour and then sprinkled artificial snow on the rest. I'm sure there's better ways than mine in getting a nice affect though.

The dio looks great so far Larry but I'm curious when you say you will be adding "real mud and snow". Is that literally what you are going to do or slip of the tongue? I reckon if you covered the foam with some sort of artificial mud and snow it would look superb. When I created my winter dio, I just covered the foam with plaster and paris, let it dry and then painted the road areas in an earth colour and then sprinkled artificial snow on the rest. I'm sure there's better ways than mine in getting a nice affect though.


Hahaha, yes. I will cover it with real "fake" mud and snow. I will create concoctions. Still researching which one I want for each, but probably a mixture of PVA and different blends for disturbed snow, pristine snow and mud.

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