No such thing in wartime. If they floated, they went together.
Seriously, speaking, er, writing as someone who has looked deeply into US war paint, and I mean deeply: the istrumentation, the scientists, their technical papers, their careers, pre, during, and post WW2, which agency they got conscripted into, specifications, color standards,
you really don't have to worry about it. The best talent & energy went into uniform color matching...dyes...uniforms got a whole lot more attention in color matching than painted equipment. Even then, the Army got nearly all of the scientists, and even then only the Quartermaster. Engineers got the leftovers, and not much was left after that.
I really could go on & on about this, but I'm not sure this is the place for it. You can email me for more info if you like...but it's all technical/scientific history...not exactly NYTimes Book of the Year material.