Magic Water Preformed Lakes and Ponds (1 Viewer)


Lieutenant General
Aug 3, 2008
Hey this is a pretty cool product.

Anybody that has been scared of messing with "the water", it just got a lot simpler.

Dave Williams from has a very simple product for creating lakes and ponds.

This is the guy that developed Magic Water, which I have used and is a great product.

This is the simplest idea I have seen yet and thought I would share it with you.

Dave sells these plastic preformed lakes for $10.00, he gave me 2 for free on my second order and I just tried one.



It's basically a plastic shell of a lake with a lip that sits in a precut hole.

The lake is already textured and detailed so you don't have to do anything but wash it, paint it and fill it with Magic Water.

It couldn't be any less intimidating.

I used styroprene and a serated kitchen knife to cut mine.

Dave sends a template with the plastic lake mold that you just trace on the styroprene and cut out.



Insert your mold into the cut hole, adhere with liquid nails and you are ready to paint and pour.



Tell me that's not easy.

If you call him, do me a favor, tell him you saw it on Treefrog from Michael Miller.

I told him if it worked I would post it and try to get him some business.

This is pretty easy, and I really recommend his Magic Water product.
There are some dios I have seen that would look really cool with a pond or a little standing water. I am impressed. So many things going on and there is only one of me!. Eh bien tant pis!
I got two shells left and was thinking of building a small dio of a log house I have and adding a pier in the lake...a non fighting dio...
Perfect, Michael...that's exactly what I need...just a little i just need a 4'x8' extension on my table so I have a place to put it.

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