Maison Militaire's New Website (1 Viewer)


Private 2
Mar 11, 2010
Has everyone seen the new Maison Militaire Website?

On the home page it says they are producing Trophy. The slide show banner at the top of the page also shows Trophy figures painted in matte. Does anyone have any more information on what Trophy lines they will be producing?

Also, I have seen pictures of their Heritage Miniatures camel corps figures on the Victorian Wars Forum. They look really good.


Unfortunately, no Trophy is listed or shown. Trophy in matte? No, thanks.

I believe more experienced Trophy hands will say that nothing has changed when it comes to Maison Militaire.
I am desperately trying to win the illinois lotto so i can buy the trophy molds and start producing them again. I have been pretty persistant and i am sure one day i will hit. Hopefully sooner than later. I am thinking that this is about the only way i will ever see trophy gloss made again.
Forgive me for my ignorance, but I was under the impression Trophy was till in business, and produced mostly gloss, and matt only upon request.... Have they gone out of business? Do the people who bought the molds only make matt?

P.S. HAWKEYE- If you want the money to buy the molds, you could always start a business and apply for a loan...

They've been out of business for some time since Len Taylor retired (when, the more knowledgeable can tell you). That is why they command healthy premiums on eBay.

They were a gloss company. However, did they make some matte on request; earlier this year a dealer out in Las Vegas sold some ACW matte that Len had made (or painted for him) on request.

To my knowledge Ken Jackson bought the rights and has the molds but nothing has been made. I believe (but can't swear to it) that this is a sore subject for some.
forgive me for my ignorance, but i was under the impression trophy was till in business, and produced mostly gloss, and matt only upon request.... Have they gone out of business? Do the people who bought the molds only make matt?

p.s. Hawkeye- if you want the money to buy the molds, you could always start a business and apply for a loan...

sandor, i will have to postpone that move until we get a favorable business climate going in this country

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