Man in the High Castle (1 Viewer)


1st Lieutenant
Feb 7, 2007
Phillip K Dick did a lot of drugs and had a lot of trouble separating reality from fantasy in his books
The film makers have just use this premise of an alternative future to try and create an action drama
They have kept some parts of the book but played loose and fast with the rest
Still I enjoyed it
I am looking forward to season II
While I agree that Dick had serious psychological problems--which preceded his drug use, if I am not mistaken, I think he was schizophrenic, wasn't he?--I don't think they necessarily impacted the novel. It's a pretty straightforward piece of counterfactual fiction. I read it this past summer. I liked it much better than Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?. I think High Castle is better written, the plot and characters are developed better. But if I had read it, not knowing who Dick was, I think I could have thought it written by one of his contemporaries. As far as what-if fiction based on Nazi Germany's surviving is concerned, I liked Robert Harris' Fatherland much better, including the film version, though it doesn't quite come up to the novel.

I haven't seen Amazon's web series, except to have seen promos, and I don't think I'd really care to watch it. I find the novel self-contained, and don't really want to see a series based on the novel's premise, that then spins out new story lines. On the other hand, I much prefer Ridley Scott's Blade Runner to the original short story.

I think you get a better sense of Dick's state of mind from some others of his short stories. I picked up an anthology, and some of the stories are out there, in a similar vein to some Twilight Zone or Outer Limits episodes.


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