Manageable Volume?? (1 Viewer)


Staff Sergeant
Jun 29, 2005
Hey dudes:

Since the release of the January Dispatches I have noticed that 2010 shows no signs of slowing down from K&C. They currently cover 15 different time periods/conflicts(Ancient Egpyt, British Empire, Crimean, Crusades, Historic Oriental, AWI, ACW, Alamo, Life of Christ, Napoleanic, Real West, Romans/Barbarians, US Navy 1920+, WWI, WWII). I think with these there is roughly 15 or 16 different sub categories(FOB, AK, LAH etc etc etc). I think I started collecting around 2006. The shear volume of what has been released from 2008-2009 has to be around double compared to what came out from 2006-2007.

Here are some questions to what is stated above:
1. How are dealers to keep up with the volume if they dont sell K&C exclusively? Maybe the idea is that theyre not suppose to and they only sell K&C. I know this doesnt really concern me because I'm not a dealer but I'm wondering as a customer if I'll be able to get immediately what I want in the future because of limited space/stock(i.e. dealers only stocking a few of each available item due to space limitations)

2. If I buy into a new campaign or sub category how do I know when it will receive attention again from K&C in the form of new releases? This is a tough one for me. For example, the new Kreigsmarine items look awesome. If I buy them all when will I see a new release? I'm sure a lot of it depends on sales. On top of the fact that now your new campaign or sub category is jockeying with 15 other lines to get attention. Will new releases come in a year? Two years? Flip a coin? How will K&C keep up with customer demands in a market that in my opinion they themselves have flooded?

I know that this may come off as condescending to K&C and its certainly not meant to be. I'm glad they flooded the market as it gives me a huge range to choose from and I find my collection immersed in some time periods that I never thought I would collect. Like the majority of collectors I dont roll like Bill Gates so I cant collect every campaign or sub category. So how do I know which ones will expand so I can continue the collection? Any ideas? Oh yeah by the way, if you're going to comment on this dont put anything about well this war X should be a campaign and not a sub category or vice versa. Trust me no one wants to talk about that because its stupid.

Keep it silly
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Hey Chris,re point 2.Its quite a hard one to answer really.Its easier with some of the really big sellers like D Day or Bulge in that they have now become regular annual releases and highlights of the year.With the sub categories its not so clear cut,I guess its part of collecting in that we don't always know what if anything is coming.Also some of these smaller ranges have breaks for perhaps sometime and then come back,Andy himself said in London that he likes to rest a range and then come back to it later.

I guess there is no guarantee about any range really.When we start collecting a new subject we do hope for more but I suppose this depends on sales,popularity,demand etc.I guess the only thing to do is to collect what interests you and if you have several lines on the go there will always be something that interests you,even if your favourite range is ended.


I think the "Life of Jesus" was a brilliant idea! Especially for the Holidays! But some of the lines K&C makes, well, it just makes you wonder!
The greater depth and variety K&C have to their range ,increases the range and number of people that may be attracted to their product and as long as the price range remains achievable to the mainstream,then it makes sense to expand the range at the present rate,their business acumen has to be admired,they are not the market leaders by chance.Having an interest in military history of all ages,K&C are like a one stop shop for me and i like to float in and out of the ranges as i see fit or what period of history i have a present interest in,my purchases could be inspired by a book,tv programme,film or post on this forum.I do agree that some of the newer ranges are limited in numbers but thats not a bad thing ,i am sure a number of ranges are introduced as test beds, for K&C to gauge popularity before they expand the range further ,investment in a new line will not be cheap even in china ,therefore high demand lines will be the backbone of K&Cs success and knowing what sells is what K&C excels at and through their sucess they can afford to test bed lines without adversely affecting their bottom line.I have noticed with interest their new figures in the expanded USAAF range are now cheaper than the original 2 figures and that must be good news for collectors who are so used to hearing that in general terms everything must only go UP in price,all at K&C should be proud of their achievements and their products.
I will admit it does become overwhelming at times I started collecting K&C about 5 years ago and have accumulated quite alot since then .I have tried to stay on course with Egyptian series and the Bulge Waffen SS and LAH... 8TH army ... and D'Day .....but also have some of the other series.... now with the RAF I have all of them as well .....and looking forward to new ones......and have pre ordered the Kriegsmarine....when will it stop.......But if you can pick a couple of sets and stay with them you will be better of...!!!!!!P.S.....I also collect Britains ...John Jenkins and now Thomas Gunn......HELP ME !!!!!!!!!!! Keep it silly.......
I see that You live pretty close to Sierra Toy soldier, So as far as Inventory/will they have enough in stock, of a particular K&C release. I do not think that will be a problem, If you wait too long to get the item. maybe then.
As far as the Ranges Go, with that one I can only speak for myself. I buy Pieces, Because It looks great, And do not think, Will they make more in the range??. Because then I will probably be missing out on a great looking piece (IE The Tunisian Tiger, For example. Just because I found this hobby a little too late). And a second example is, If I see LAH-036 for a reasonable price I will buy it (just to have it), Will I buy more LAH (NAH, not unless i See something I like.)
I'd echo the ideas on posts #4 and #6. We can't always know where a manufacturer is going, especially when they themselves do not know. To survive they have to be guided by sales and business considerations. K&C are superb managers, and I have every confidence they will continute to put out what sells - which will usuallly be what we like.

That said, it can be frustrating if your vision of a series does not match the manufacturer's offerings. When this happens to me, I simply go to other manufacturers' figures to fill in. In some cases, I make my own or convert what's available to what I want. It's very seldom you can't find a way to make the display you dream of, but you may have to work harder sometimes to make that happen. All part of the fun of collecting, in my book.
Hi Guys,

My friend Chris (McKenna) poses many very interesting points and queries in his original post on this subject.

To answer some of them…

1. “How can K&C dealers keep up with the volume K&C puts out every month?”
Answer: Some do… some try… and some don’t! But it’s interesting that the dealers who have really invested in K&C (both money and time) are often the most successful. I won’t name names but most of you already know who these guys are… not just in North America but in Europe and Australia as well.

2. “If a collector buys into a new series or campaign how does he know if it will continue or when?”
Answer: When K&C issue a new line or set of figures we’ve already in our own mind planned the next “add-on release” and, sometimes, even the one after that.
Now, sometimes, and fortunately, it’s relatively rare, interest dies off and we hold off on continuing down that road. But, in general we always try to continue what we’ve started.
Now, how often “add-on” releases come out can vary. With Napoleonics it might be 2 or 3 times a year… WW2 Germans, even more frequent… Ancient Egypt, once a year. So sales and popularity drive frequency.

3. “Flooding The Market?”
Answer: Perhaps, compared to some of our competitors we release too much… too often. Not, however in my opinion. Collectors, and I am one too, like to see new items all the time. You only have to read this forum. All those, “I want this… Why don’t you do that… Gimme… Gimme… Gimme!”
K&C could release the entire Germany Army… Every Regiment Napoleon ever commanded… and a lot more besides and some collectors somewhere would say… “Yes, but I wanted this instead”.
K&C does try to cover a broad, (and expanding) range of historical eras and themes because we continually want to reach out to people who don’t already collect or who might be interested in that particular time, battle, campaign or war.Often where the problem lies is with individual collectors who have a broad and inclusive interest in virtually every historical period of the last couple of thousand years!!!
Like me for instance…

Best wishes and Happy Collecting!
(Buy what you like… buy what you can afford.)
Andy C.
It's very simple. You can't have it all. It's OK to admire pieces from ranges you don't collect without having to own them. But trying to buy everything you like will drive a person mad if not from the cost and frustration of not controlling what is produced but from not being able to enjoy the pieces you have. I strongly believe that pieces should be on display and not boxed up in a closet.

I occasionally go through a range and select my 5 or 10 favourites and weed out ones that I don't enjoy as much to better view my favourites and make room for new pieces.

Terry...must be my eyesight....but...did you say I can't have it all?.Do you want to see me weep,what have I ever done to you:(;):D

Terry...must be my eyesight....but...did you say I can't have it all?.Do you want to see me weep,what have I ever done to you:(;):D


OK I can't have it all. Most can't have it all. But you are the exception, just as you are the only one on the Forum that expects Jennifer Anniston to knock at their door. :cool::D

OK I can't have it all. Most can't have it all. But you are the exception, just as you are the only one on the Forum that expects Jennifer Anniston to knock at their door. :cool::D


You know what mate,I've been accused of seeing things re Tank riders and Cromwell Tanks,(all validated in the end I should add;))but even I am not expecting Miss Anniston to come knocking,and even if she did,I'm a remarkably happily married man and would cheerfully but graciously have to decline,but it sure would be something to tell my mates;)

You know what mate,I've been accused of seeing things re Tank riders and Cromwell Tanks,(all validated in the end I should add;))but even I am not expecting Miss Anniston to come knocking,and even if she did,I'm a remarkably happily married man and would cheerfully but graciously have to decline,but it sure would be something to tell my mates;)


That is correct. Rob has been validated in seeing things. Yup, we're all agreed. I'm sure Simon would agree;)
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