Manchu Dowager (1 Viewer)


Sep 10, 2008
Another one. This is based on the last Qing Dynasty Empress.

Rgds Victor


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Now modelling the dog, a golden pekingese.

Rgds Victor


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Very nice, Victor! Puts me very much in mind of a Boxer Rebellion dio....
Hi Brad,

Well, there are some very nice books (Schiffer) on the various contingents (including Germany) during the Boxer rebellion. I have a few on the German colonial troops. It would make a great diorama!

Rgds Victor
Hi All,

Following my usual frenzy of ad hoc spring cleaning, I rediscovered this figure and decided that this would form the centrepiece of a proposed diorama. In the wake of renewed sculpting energy and hopefully some newly acquired skills, I think that I can greatly improve on this piece. I also realised that I didn't like the pose and will be modifying it.

I also discovered another Manchu figure lurking about and decided that it would add nicely to the proposed scene.

All of this coincided nicely with my discovery of a small hoard of failed metal torso home-castings which I am now assembling into generic standing figures. These are obviously feminine torsos made by a fervid teenager then. The Empress was photographed usually surrounded by female courtiers.

If this posting constitutes nudity, then I give the moderators permission to remove this photo until I have covered up most of the figures with more putty....{sm2}

Rgds Victor

Well, the powers-that-be haven't yet deleted this thread for offending the senses. OK, I need to thread carefully here, posting only pics of clothed mannikins.

So here's my update on the Manchu Empress, already fully clothed.

As I didn't like the pose, I removed both arms and carefully prised away the dog from the figure. I readjusted the dog on the left side of the figure and fixed it in place with new arms. I think this pose is much better, allowing the Empress to interact with her pet.

Rgds Victor

Hello Mirof,

Thanks for posting that pic of a clothed mannequin...:) I am familiar with George Stuart's fabulously made models.

The Dowager Empress had many superb looking robes made for her, cut in a hybrid Qing-Chinese fashion (the Chinese cut had wide sleeves, front opening, the Qing cut had narrow sleeves, side opening). Stuart's robe was based on an example on display at the Royal Ontario Museum in 2011. This, I believe, is known as the "100 butterflies" robe.

I am planning to do mine probably wearing the famous "peacock" robe. There are at least two pics on the web, showing either originals or near copies.

More examples of her robes can be found in this lavish book "5000 years of Chinese Costumes". Rgds Victor
Hello All,

I just found an old scratchbuilt piece made some time back to depict a Captain Poole of the Royal Navy, Boxer Rebellion. The figure uses a Chota Sahib head, a couple of Airfix hands and pistol. Over a wire armature, the putty used was a mixture of A&B and Kneadatite. The groundwork looked similar to the old Hugh Dowding piece which I had recently updated, so both were probably made around the same time.

I have no plans to update this figure for now. I am just posting it here as there was a reference to the Boxer Rebellion earlier on in this thread.

Rgds Victor


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