Matt's ...hint for the next new line (1 Viewer)


2nd Lieutenant
Jul 20, 2009
This was posted on another forum by Matt , as most guys will know this is about as straightforward a hint as we have ever received ..HMMM what could it be ?? Let the guessing begin .. Regards Gebhard

"As for a hint for the next new range...hmm....that's a tough one. How bout this, I'll give you two hints. Ok, here goes...

1. It's not FIW
2. The first release of the next new range that we will launch will primarily be Germans.

How's that?


Unless he considers a different part of WWII to be a new line, Germans are limited to recent history by the name. It would likely be WWI, but my intuition says Franco Prussian War.

Unless he considers a different part of WWII to be a new line, Germans are limited to recent history by the name. It would likely be WWI, but my intuition says Franco Prussian War.


Hi Terry ,
This will be a totally new line not the expansion of a current one .... Franco Prussian War would along with Eastern Front WW 1 and the Era of Friedrich der Große spell trouble for me and IMO ARE GROSSLY UNDER REPRESENTED IN THE HOBBY . Regards Gebhard
If it is Eastern Front WWI, I might as well resign myself to Chapter 11. :tongue:

As broke as I am, and as much as I am playing catch-up with current lines, a Franco-Prussian War line or Friedrich the Great line would have to go on the "must have" list for me. Would be my first FL figures. -- Al
Gemanians to fight the Romans perhaps. Kings German Legion hopefully ?
Some interesting thoughts here. I would have to go with Gebhard and say Friedrich the Great/Seven Years War as well. Seems like there is some good support for a range like that, at least on the forum.

I like the idea of the KGL, but I'm not sure that qualifies as a new range by itself.

"As for a hint for the next new range...hmm....that's a tough one. How bout this, I'll give you two hints. Ok, here goes...

1. It's not FIW
How's that?



That's good for me I'll be saving some bucks.
We were also told that the Romans were not in the immediate pipeline but low and behold we have Romans ^&grin Never say never for anything when it comes to FL.
This likely dashes my hopes for Crimea in the forseeable future. Maybe too obvious, but I'd guess WWI in this case. :confused:

I vote for :

a very colorful figure which is ........

the ...

Well, if it's not the FIW (and this is one of the hints), it must be the Seven Years War...:p

If the reference to "Germany" is intended to be a reference to a political entity then that would point to post 1871. Personally I'm keeping my figures crossed for WWI, in particular Verdun (the Germans began with picklehaubes then changed to "coal-scuttles" so there would be a good variety of troops on both sides). As the Germans launched the offensive at Verdun early in 1916, they would be the logical first releases.

However if the reference to "Germany" is merely geographical. Well, that could be anything from Charlemagne to Hitler!!
To hint a new line is in the works evokes some thought especially if they are to be "German". Could be WWII or Napoleonic. WW1 might be a reach. But if he were to do WW1 Germans I would encourage late war trench raiders armed with broomhandle Mausers, Bergmann MP 18's, clubs and grenades.
Jefman, I certainly agree with you on the quality of First Legion. And I do think that you will one day have your Rebel Cavalry. They are just too important and iconic for FL to pass up. It might not be with the Gettysburg series, but we will see.

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Hi Noah: I edited down my post...I got off topic. Hope all is well.
Hi Jeffman ,
Maybe Matt's just having a little fun with the term "German" , I now it's a stretch but maybe he is talking about Johann Heinrich August Heros von Borcke or that other famous German Calvary officer George Armstrong Küster (Custer) ^&grin... Ok von Borcke wasn't at Gettysburg but there were plenty of " Germans" there in the saddle both North & South . I'm sure we will see some very nice Confederate Calvary someday the way only First Legion can do it :wink2:.

And guys lets not get split hairs here.... its always interesting what people consider a " German " as a lot of Germans would consider themselves even today Franken , Bavarian , Swabian esw.. Germans are still very Tribal if you come from a village 30 miles away you are a foreigner :smile2: and for the record Hitler was an Austrian ..funny that they never want to claim him ..Regards Gebhard
I vote for :

a very colorful figure which is ........

the ...


Hello Alex ,
I think you mean Landsknechte :wink2: that was not on my Radar but could prove very interesting indeed . regards Gebhard

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