Maxed Out Acccounts (1 Viewer)

Peter Reuss

2nd Lieutenant
Apr 22, 2005
As we review the new posting limit policy, please let us know (via PM, so you don't use more!) if you have reached your limit.

Remember, it is a rolling 30 day however many posts you made 31 days ago no longer count against the limit.

Mate, this is just in relation to Maxed out posting accounts. They can't sort out your over exuberance with your Visa card.

Mate, this is just in relation to Maxed out posting accounts. They can't sort out your over exuberance with your Visa card.


Just realised I wasted a post telling you that.

That will teach you to make fun of the bewildered and confused! There were bloody Tank riders I tell you!

Now, this is one time you can't blame me or Simon or both for mentioning the mysterious tank riders :wink2: ^&grin
Now, this is one time you can't blame me or Simon or both for mentioning the mysterious tank riders :wink2: ^&grin

Its a conspiracy I tell you! I saw them, I did I did I did!^&grin

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