Maybe this one next (1 Viewer)

Feb 14, 2011
I have started another thread in the Russian manufacturers section. I am thinking about doing this figure in the future, depending on how things go. This is figure painted in the Tatyana studios in St Petersburg. I can get it redone in china but it would not be to the same standard as this one but not to far off if you care to look at my other thread.





Great looking figure! I really like the look of him holding onto the sword bayonet.

Great figure iwan and hope you get this one out and also more Riflemen.
I remember this particular figure drew compliments when Timo posted his photos of his Waterloo 1815 massive display about two years ago.
Great figure iwan and hope you get this one out and also more Riflemen.
I remember this particular figure drew compliments when Timo posted his photos of his Waterloo 1815 massive display about two years ago.

I hope I can get this one done too and a few more in fighting poses. I remember Timo's huge Waterloo dio and very good it was. I've not heard from Timo for quite a while now.

Hi Iwan

Riflemen always seem to pretty popular with manufacturers, but I don't think any mainstream one has ever done the 5th B/n 60th foot before. Would make a change and one can always repaint the facings on the men it's only the officer jackets that significantly different really with the wings for the 60th.

An alternative could be to hedge your bets and do same figures, but two versions 60th and 95th and the two different officer version. Thinking about it, if you could get third version if you could get the different shako cords for KGL riflemen too which is the most noticeable difference along with a slight paint job !

Hi Iwan

Riflemen always seem to pretty popular with manufacturers, but I don't think any mainstream one has ever done the 5th B/n 60th foot before. Would make a change and one can always repaint the facings on the men it's only the officer jackets that significantly different really with the wings for the 60th.

An alternative could be to hedge your bets and do same figures, but two versions 60th and 95th and the two different officer version. Thinking about it, if you could get third version if you could get the different shako cords for KGL riflemen too which is the most noticeable difference along with a slight paint job !


The 5/60 and the 95 th are basically the same uniform bar the officer but you could have him wearing a pelise. The second light battalion KGL are similar bar the wings, you could get away with the shako cords as they were on campaign so long anything could have have happened to them.
It's a nice idea and I already have thought about this.

Regards Iwan
Hi Iwan
Given the choice, I'd vote against officer wearing a pelise, as I can't see an officer on active service wearing one, though I may be in the minority and I have the WB figures who wear it.

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