Missing Prussian Flag Bearer How-To (1 Viewer)


Private 1st Class
Feb 10, 2013
Missing Prussian Flag Bearer problem?
Thanks to First Legion not anymore. Below solution spitted into a few simple steps .
Step 1. Get kit from First Legion(http://www.firstlegionltd.com/FL54010.aspx).
Step 2. Assemble
You can assemble and paint the figure yourself or hire an artist to do this for you.
baby paintin.jpg
Due to lack of funds, I have chosen the first solution.
I must say that the kit is very good quality - only a few parts to fix together (opposite to resin kits from other producers which makes me really crazy to glue 50 elements, why they are punishing customers buying their figures??). All elements smooth and perfectly matching, I didn't have to do any "pre-processing" before gluing.
2.1 Glue all together. Eventually except the flag, it can be painted separately and fixed on the end.
2.2 Wash with detergent and (after it is dries) cover with primer (easiest is to use white primer in spray).

Continued in next post...
Step 3 Paint.
Personally I use Vallejo acrylic paints. Some artists use Maimeri. There are other choices. Up to you. Mat paints of course.
It is never easy to find the same colors as used by somebody else. You have to mix colors to get demanded shade. The goal here was to have the Prussian Flag bearer painted exactly in the same colors/shades as the ready Prussian figures from FL.
With this figure most difficult was to find matching... grey. Yes believe me or not, grey is not just light and dark. As you can see on the photos I did not succeeded, my grey apparently differs from this used by First Legion.
Paint details...
...the base...
With the flag next problem. I didn't have original flag bearer to see colors of the flag. On photos from Internet I see the flag is in different blue than uniform, more intensive shade of blue. I tried to achieve something similar.
2.4 Fix the flag and paint the pole.
bez nazwy.jpg

Continued in next post...
Due to limit of 5 photos per post, my post is spitted into 3 parts. If you start read here, be aware that this is last part (last post).

Step 4. Get some friends for our hero to not let him feel too lonely.


Step 5. Build some scenery...



...add opponents...


6. You have completed Missing Prussian Flag Bearer How-To, Congratulations!

Thanks for showing us your process of assembly and painting the kit so that it fits in with the original series from FL.

As a painter myself, I can really appreciate the time and effort required to match up your painting with the production line figures, and you have done VERY WELL !!!!

I am considering getting the French Camp Scene for my collection.

Excellent work! Thanks for sharing.
FANTASTIC :salute:::salute:::salute:: If you would have just posted the dio photo's and not said a word I don't think anyone would have noticed it was a kit figure. Just a Great job top to bottom. regards Gebhard
Thanks for showing us your process of assembly and painting the kit so that it fits in with the original series from FL.

As a painter myself, I can really appreciate the time and effort required to match up your painting with the production line figures, and you have done VERY WELL !!!!

I am considering getting the French Camp Scene for my collection.


Same from me - you have done an excellent paint job. {bravo}}

Your artistic ability is awesome Janusz.Great job!{bravo}}
Anyone who can take a kit figure(even a First Legion one)and paints it to such a standard that can be dropped into a First Legion scene and not be seen to be out of place is,in my opinion,deserving to be called a MASTERPAINTER!Don't worry too much about not achieving the exact shade of grey.Most contemporary accounts of Napoleonic campaigns refer to what happened to the dyes in uniforms after the first river crossing or even after exposure to the first decent shower of rain.Well done that man.
Thank you everybody for you kindly comments. I'm painting figures from about 12 years, it took years to improve the techinque, however I'm far from exaggerated optimism about my skills. There are people who are real artists and their work is still another planet level for me.
I think it is great that First Legion released this kit. Even to get it painted by artist in Russia will cost less than last price of this figure I have seen on ebay.
Outstanding finish, Janusz! You could easily enter that in a competition.

Thanks for pointing out that the figure is available as a kit, too. I never realized that. It makes me think again about First Legion.

ABSOLUTELY Beautiful Work:salute:::salute::......... AND...It's a credit to FL that at least this flag-bearer is made available as a kit.....Hope we see more of these 1:30th scale kits made available from FL in the future.....I would definitely try my hand at assembling and painting FL Kits.
I'm bumping this great thread in an attempt to help a fellow FL collector and forum member Whitman500 regards Gebhard

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