Mister and Missus Heid Go To Hong Kong (1 Viewer)


Apr 19, 2007
06:00AM – Monday 6th July


06:15AM – Monday 6th July


06:30AM – Monday 6th July


17:00PM – Tuesday 7th July


17:15PM – Tuesday 7th July

TO BE CONTINUED…..:eek::eek:....:):)
Watch it Harry I just read they arrested a group of Aussie businessmen for

spying!:eek: Learn a few phrases in Russian quick!:D

Love the photos, your wife is quite a catch! Its almost as much fun as being

there........and quite a bit safer!:D

Hope you have a great visit, and keep the photos coming!
What are you waiting for!? Throw it over!:D


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Watch it Harry I just read they arrested a group of Aussie businessmen for

spying!:eek: Learn a few phrases in Russian quick!:D

Love the photos, your wife is quite a catch! Its almost as much fun as being

there........and quite a bit safer!:D

Hope you have a great visit, and keep the photos coming!

Hi John,

Heading to the Mainland today for a visit with a couple of very good friends - ought to be fun getting all the little painted metal men through customs. The Chinese officials have a habit of requesting I open up our luggage for inspection, but I reckon its cos they really just want to see the little painted metal men up close and personal. 99% of the time its absolutely no problem and we end up cracking feeble jokes back and forth.
Missus H clears up any misunderstandings anyway. So in the long run, she actually does earn her keep as my travelling PA.

What are you waiting for!? Throw it over!:D

Michael - shame on you - what a perfectly shocking suggestion...!!!

Seriously, there's only 3 figures actually in that bag and they were bought with a specific diorama in mind. All will be revealed later this year.

Good to see you've escaped to the real world again, Harry. Love the photos. Especially the one with the shopping bag as you could be a dead ringer for the late Hunter S. Thompson himself in that particular scene. Cannot wait to hear more from your latest adventure in HK.

Hi John,

Heading to the Mainland today for a visit with a couple of very good friends - ought to be fun getting all the little painted metal men through customs. The Chinese officials have a habit of requesting I open up our luggage for inspection, but I reckon its cos they really just want to see the little painted metal men up close and personal. 99% of the time its absolutely no problem and we end up cracking feeble jokes back and forth.
Missus H clears up any misunderstandings anyway. So in the long run, she actually does earn her keep as my travelling PA.



Harry hope you and the Missus have a great time and take lots of pictures!

You always manage to post the most interesting photos from your travels!

Who else could post shots of a rig disappearing into the ocean.......a killer

whale........and a chinese Humvee!:D

I'm not suprised they have decided not to buy Humvee.......they already have it!:D

Harry hope you and the Missus have a great time and take lots of pictures!

You always manage to post the most interesting photos from your travels!

Who else could post shots of a rig disappearing into the ocean.......a killer

whale........and a chinese Humvee!:D

I'm not suprised they have decided not to buy Humvee.......they already have it!:D

Harry, I have to agree with John, enjoyable and entertaining! :)

Just a wee teaser;


Just another wee teaser;


Just yet another wee teaser;


Just a wee teaser Numero Uno….!!!!

Harry it certainly looks beautiful there.......and whats that little row boat behind the Missus? Looks like the Queen Mary!

Soldiers are quite nice also.......but thats some dingy!:eek:
Harry it certainly looks beautiful there.......and whats that little row boat behind the Missus? Looks like the Queen Mary!

Soldiers are quite nice also.......but thats some dingy!:eek:

Yeah, we visited this resort in the New Territories of Hong Kong cos yesterday morning, in a draw at the Star Ferry Pier in Kowloon, Missus H won a 7-day holiday for two at a 5-star resort - in Thailand of all places. So we had to go visit the operators in order to claim her prize. (This is a true story by the way).
Wonder who she's going to take with her...???

Decided to take the bus back to Hong Kong Island after our wee side-trip to the New Territories. Brilliant low-cost rollercoaster ride without having to go do Disneyworld.


Hey, I didn’t know they have 10-ft tall giants in Hong Kong.


And so, a short ferry excursion across Victoria Harbor got Mister & Missus H back to Wanchai District and our hotel.


Getting back to the main reason why we’re actually here in South China. The following snaps don’t need any additional comments.



Great pics, Harry! I really hope some day I get to meet you and buy you a beer, you always have such great stories!
Harry, what's with the Hong Kong visit ?. You have been there done that. Surely you are about to come Down Under. Only 14 days to go so buy that ticket now.
PS Being ex 20 years HK I do enjoy your pics.
Great pics, Harry! I really hope some day I get to meet you and buy you a beer, you always have such great stories!

Brad - trust me - I'll allow you to buy me SEVERAL beers...!!! As long as you allow me to buy you them back.

As always .. wonderful pics of places you have been, and thank you for sharing your insights too.

Also beautiful new solders you got there ... :)

Yeah, we visited this resort in the New Territories of Hong Kong cos yesterday morning, in a draw at the Star Ferry Pier in Kowloon, Missus H won a 7-day holiday for two at a 5-star resort - in Thailand of all places. So we had to go visit the operators in order to claim her prize. (This is a true story by the way).
Wonder who she's going to take with her...???


Great pictures as usual Harry. If you have to work I have a passport ;)



Got home okay with our latest loot tonight.
Troops – honestly, the following is a 100% true story.

For anyone who’s unaware, flights to/from Hong Kong are classed as international on the Chinese Mainland and you still have to go through the immigration and customs rigmaroll.

We hit Dalian NE China at around 21:30 - Absolute nightmare due to Swine Flu checks. Took 45 minutes to get off the plane. Took me another 45 minutes to get through the health checks before immigration cos I was honest enough to list every city I'd been to in the past 7 days; seems that Bangkok is a problem for Chinese health officials.
Anyway - got through immigration okay, then we put our luggage through the customs scanner as usual. However, and not surprisingly, the customs officials wanted to see the contents of one of our suitcases. So I grabbed my case and made a run for it through to arrivals leaving Madame Heid to face the music and stump up any import duties.
After about 30 minutes My Precious Little Lotus Blossom turns up rather flushed and flustered, declaring that customs gave her a hard time about the single set of First Legion miniature figurines she had in her case.

So she's in full flow - something about, "customs claiming it was the wrong case, and they had actually wanted to see the contents of the other one".
And then - silence - as it dawned on her that the enormous case sitting next to me was the one crammed to the gunnels with new East of India stuff, which also explained my wide grin and lack of sympathy for her trails and tribulations with customs.

My ear is still stinging after the skelp she gave me, but its worth it.
Mission successful - again.
Managed a few photos of the FL set she got through customs with. I’ll unpack the big case in the morning then see about getting the East of India stuff set up and photos taken.

Looking forward to the rest of our latest First Legion acquisitions turning up via an internal Chinese courier over the next few days.




Great pictures as usual Harry. If you have to work I have a passport ;)



Aaaah, you're okay Jeff. We can take the holiday anytime over the next 18 months.
Lucky escape you know. I'm used to it, but I guarantee you'd need to take a pair of ear defenders with you.

Great pictures as usual Harry. If you have to work I have a passport ;)



Hi again Jeff.
I forgot to mention in my previous post that Missus H has been muttering about joining the various forums as a collector in her own right for some time now.
I can think of all sorts of reasons why its actually a brilliant idea on her part.

1/ The more contributions we get from the Ladies, perhaps it'll encourage more of them to get into the hobby - and stop bending our ears.

2/ She's the only Lady we know here in Dalian who has the slightest interest in toy soldiers, or even knows they exist. So she does tend to feel a bit isolated.

3/ She's really been practicing her English and this'll help her even more. The idea is that she'll do her posts in a Chinese version of Word on her new laptop, then run them through an on-line translator, Chinese to English, then paste the translation into the post page. Thing is is with these translators, the grammer in the original text has to be as close to perfect as possible, so it ought to have the side benefit of teaching her proper sentence construction.

4/ As a woman contributing to male-dominated forums - and an Ethnic Minority Woman at that - she'll be breaking new ground in the laudable aim of assisting us all to understand and relate to different cultures in this sadly-divided world of ours.

It might take a few days before she enroles here cos I'm still in the process of setting up her new laptop and she doesn't want to use my computer for her posts, plus it might be a good idea if she used a different IP address to mine.
Obviously, I'll have to help her post photos in the initial stages of her membership, but she'll soon pick that up.

It would be nice for example, if Lucy and Yvonne could discuss their mutual interest in SOHK figures without feeling "threatened", for want of a better word.

So, what do you think of that one then?

PS. She's just received a phone call from the Chinese courier company. Sounds like the latest miniature figurine purchases that we couldn't get into our suitcases in Hong Kong are going to be delivered to the house very soon.


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