mix of makers carabiners (3 Viewers)


Private 1st Class
May 14, 2014
With there being no solid set of carabiners I have taken all the different guys and added to them a few makeshift conversions.100_1370 (800x599).jpg
A Call To Arms guys flanking a Jean Hoeffler bugler
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Reamsa and A Call To Arms escorting a converted Marx ACW falling horse and rider
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A Call to Arms and Reamsa supporting a modified Jean Hoeffler
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Britains Reamsa Classic and A Call To Arms100_1375 (800x599).jpg9th Hussars made up of Timpo Italieri Reamsa and Dulcop
I,m not sure how much you want to spend per figure but All The kings Men sells some real nice metal casting for cheap money that look great and paint up really well for about $5 bucks a figure if you buy a set. they come with plastic horses to keep the price low and he will also sell them without the horses also.
Here is a link for you!
I didn,t like the horses so I uses TSSD horses and cut off the saddles. The figures come molded onto the saddles and have heads for either Cuirassiers or Carabineers. I picked up a bunch of both and the sculpting on the figures are very nice!

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Thanks for the link and thank you for the pictures. They provide quite the motivation. I was out of work for a while due to a non-work related injury. It gave me time to get back into the hobby. I got more done in 5 weeks than I usually get done in a year. I'm back to work now so my production has fallen off on the painting and what not. With summer coming on there is the garden to tend to and more activities to get involved with I will have to make time for the wee soldiers. I've gotten a lot of very good ideas, suggestions and places to go for materials by posting what I have already done here. Thanks, everyone, for your input.
I'll second that on All the King's Men, the castings are great, it's a great value for the price.

I'll second that on All the King's Men, the castings are great, it's a great value for the price.

I used ATKM heads (recast in smooth on) on CTS bodies for carabiners and Italeri dragoon heads(recast) on CTS bodies for quirassiers. ATKM is very nice but they are metal. Plannig to use carabiner heads for lancers with the fur addition fron green stuff.

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