MMSI's Chicago Show ("the other Chicago Show") coming soon, Oct. 10-12 (1 Viewer)


Jul 11, 2008
Hi all -- Though I don't post often, I am an avid reader of this forum, and I just wanted to give you all an early head's up that the Military Miniatures Society of Illinois will host its 34th annual Chicago Show, one of the premier figures and modeling exhibitions in the U.S., from Oct. 10-12 at the Chicago Marriott Hotel in Schaumburg. (Much more info at

Though it isn't exclusively about toy soldiers (like the "other Chicago show"), the MMSI show is one of the best in the U.S. or worldwide for displaying the work of some of the most renowned figure modelers, and there are always plenty of toy soldier collections on exhibit and for sale in the extensive vendors area.

The Show Committee has announced that Matt Springer will host the first of the show's two seminars, a session on "Sculpting Personality Busts," at 11 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 11, and Mike Blank will talk about the composition of his new Joan of Arc diorama (as seen in progress at the World Expo in Spain; on Sunday, Oct. 12, at 10 a.m. (The exhibition area opens for set up at 3 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 10, and the awards are presented on Saturday night at 8:30, with the MMSI's renowned hospitality suite going full-swing afterwards and at other times through the course of the weekend.)

Finally, the most exciting news for me personally, Sheperd Paine, modeler extraordinaire and veteran MMSI member judging committee chairman, will be signing copies of the new coffee table book that I've written about his life and work, due to be published by Schiffer Books in late August, and featuring more than 750 incredible photos and the stories behind all of his best-known pieces. More info on that can be found at and Shep's book signing is scheduled for 10 a.m. Saturday.

Room rates at the hotel are a reasonable $90 per night when you mention the MMSI (and please do, since the club affiliation helps keep rates reasonable!). As always, more info can be found at

Sorry for the promotional blast, but hope to see you all in Chicago this fall, or at the bookstore soon!

Welcome to the Forum and thank you for the heads up.
Thanks for the info, Jim,
beside the show itself it sure would be a pleasure to meet artists like "the man" Sheperd Paine himself and get one of his signed books.
Can't tell right now if I am able to make it as I booked a room already for the "other" show in Chicago, but it sure is tempting.
Well, if not at the show, then sure in the bookstore :)

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