Modelmania - Houston (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Apr 22, 2005
Just came back from a plastic model contest here in Houston and there were some really cool stuff. Here are a few pictures of the show.

This is the side of the contest.


This is the side of the vendors.

Dora the Explorer. I mean Dora the German railgun in 1/35 scale.


That Dora is something else, saw a 2 metre long kit for sale in a local hobby shop, you'd wonder how he even got it safely from his home to show. Looks like he made a great job of it.
Like the paint schemes on the tanks, thanks for the photo's:cool:
Wow. That gun is rally something. Would need an awfully big siz table to put that in any diorama!!

Here is another pic but I'm afraid that all these pictures will take a while to load. Does anybody have an issue with too many pictures.

No issue here Alex. I love seeing model shows. Hope I don't start ordering every model I see.:D I feel myself getting interested in the smell of glue.;) John
Thanks for the pictures, always nice to see outstanding work. Gotta love those model kit vendors "displays" that take all of twelve seconds to set up, just heave a cardboard box full of kits on the table, I envy those guys, it takes four hours to unload the van and set everything up............
When you start think that your works is gets improved, after see things like that you realised that you still have a lot way to go.....:(
Nice pictures Alex. I enjoy the modelling shows. I use to go to the Chicago Show every October. I have not gone the last couple of years. The show is right after OTSN show so I usually don't go back for this model show. John

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