More to I.D and Date info. please. (1 Viewer)


Jan 7, 2025
First I'm wondering if I'm posting on the wrong forum for the information I'm looking for. Is there only a small percentage of Britains collectors that collect pre-war and earlier on this forum who would be able to help me with identification? I get a lot of views but only one of two responses. I've taken James Opie's last book out of the library but am having one heck of a time trying to figure out what soldiers I have with that book. I feel that there are no where near enough pictures of individual pieces to help me, maybe because I don't have any Sets, just individual pieces? I don't really care what set they were in but I would rather know their age and regiment.
I just bought these 4 mounted figures. The one on the brown horse I know is a Hussar, I'm guessing pre-war? He has a two eared horse but I think it is also considered a "spindly" horse? The other three figures on white "one eared" horses, which I think are "spindly" as well. The color is more cream than white, they have grey painted manes and tails, the soldiers have fixed arms and signs of that bright blue translucent paint on their saddle pads, and pants. There is no Britains Ltd. copyright info. on the underside of the white horses, only under the brown one. Am I right in remembering reading that they didn't start marking the underside of the horse until 1900? Any help would be greatly appreciated about these figures and also about whether I would do better on another forum. Maybe I'm just impatient and I'm thinking more people on this forum know about what I'm asking. Thanks so much, Tom


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Dad has a set of those hussars. Mid 1950's. Still, there were many sets over many years. The box is gone though so keep asking & researching.
Good Luck.
I don't know of James Opie's books you have, but he has written a good number of them over the years, each getting a little more extensive over time. If there were just one of his I could recommend as a reference it would be "The Great Book of Britains: 100 Years of Britains Toy Soldiers, 1893-1993":

It is expensive to buy (it was pretty pricey when it was still in print) but if you can find a copy to borrow, it would be most useful. Opie goes year by year, and looks at ever set issued, with photos and descriptions of the sets. I think you'd be able to identify the Britains toy soldiers and the sets they belong to, conclusively.

For the other hollowcasts you, the references are more varied, but ones by Norman Joplin are very much to recommend. One is this title, "The Great Book of Hollowcast Figures":

The Great Book of Hollowcast Figures

It's also out of print, I think, but it's a good reference. Norman is a long-time collector, and an expert on classic hollowcast toy soldiers, including Britains and similar brands. He's also a member here, so you might want to reach out to him via private message with questions and photos of other toy soldiers you'd like to identify.

Hope that helps, prosit!
Brad, Thank you so much, yes it does help a lot. I was just looking up Opie's other books and was thinking the one you mention would help me more, I'm going to try to find it at a more reasonable price. I will also check out the Joplin book and try a Private Message to him. Thanks again for all your help, I really appreciate it.
Sure thing! If you're patient, I think you'll find "The Great Book of Britains" for a reasonable price.

What do you consider a reasonable price? I have a copy. It was a SMH moment after I posted looking for information on some Britains flagbearers. LOL. Apparently, I have the answer right under my nose.


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I have not seen any of "The Great Book of Britains: 100 Years of Britains Toy Soldiers, 1893-1993" for less than $50.00, most are close to $100 and some over that. At this point of my retirement it's too much. Maybe I'll find a beat up edition for $20 some day. His latest, "Britain's Toy Soldiers. The History and the Handbook" I was able to get out of the library. I am going to go there tomorrow and see if they can locate the "Great Book..." for me.

I'll flip through the book after work and see if I can find any info for you. Might as well get some use out of it. It's not going to help me with my flagbearer. They were released after '93.
Do these look like your Hussars?


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It's hard to tell. Mine is at the top of this page, two images. It's cantering not at a gallop too so hard to tell when your images show them in harness and the front one is galloping. My guy is missing a plume on the hat I believe. I'm guessing mine is pre-war. I find it discouraging when in Opie's book he will state that a figure is from 1946 to 1966! I'm trying to learn the subtleties, (like paint, mustaches, gatored pants, one eared horse), to be able to narrow it down to a more specific time.
Thanks for your help.
First I'm wondering if I'm posting on the wrong forum for the information I'm looking for. Is there only a small percentage of Britains collectors that collect pre-war and earlier on this forum who would be able to help me with identification? I get a lot of views but only one of two responses. I've taken James Opie's last book out of the library but am having one heck of a time trying to figure out what soldiers I have with that book. I feel that there are no where near enough pictures of individual pieces to help me, maybe because I don't have any Sets, just individual pieces? I don't really care what set they were in but I would rather know their age and regiment.
I just bought these 4 mounted figures. The one on the brown horse I know is a Hussar, I'm guessing pre-war? He has a two eared horse but I think it is also considered a "spindly" horse? The other three figures on white "one eared" horses, which I think are "spindly" as well. The color is more cream than white, they have grey painted manes and tails, the soldiers have fixed arms and signs of that bright blue translucent paint on their saddle pads, and pants. There is no Britains Ltd. copyright info. on the underside of the white horses, only under the brown one. Am I right in remembering reading that they didn't start marking the underside of the horse until 1900? Any help would be greatly appreciated about these figures and also about whether I would do better on another forum. Maybe I'm just impatient and I'm thinking more people on this forum know about what I'm asking. Thanks so much, Tom
Tom, there is a Britains Collectors group on Facebook which often has hollowcast figure content. Your Hussar is from Britains set 12 11th Hussars, the 1903-40 version of that set. "Spindly horses" usually refers to second grade castings. These were simplified figures with fewer paint colours made to be sold at a cheaper price. The three Scots Greys are by the John Hill Company (aka Johillco) and were issued both pre- and post-war. I found them on pg 141 of Joplin's Great Book of Hollowcast Figures. An inexpensive and easily found reference book I can recommend is Andrew Rose's Collector's All-colour Guide to Toy Soldiers. More expensive are Joe Wallis' very detailed books about Britains' output. The first editions of two of these can be found less expensively, but have black and white photos. Welcome on board to an endlessly fascinating hobby!
So Mike I guess it's hard to know if my three Scot Greys are pre-war or post-war. I thought they were Britains Ltd. X series. Fixed arms,no trademark,one eared horse. There is no logo which I read in the book that Britains did not put logos on the X series stuff. With that said, I just now found a few letters on the side of the horses belly, very faint, that could be the word England. I guess that would make them Johillco. One of these days I'll buy one of the books you mention. I have seen some pictures of soldiers and they are black and white which I am so surprised at because I think so much of the identifying of soldiers is with the color. Thanks again, Tom

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