Morituri (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
May 24, 2013

Okay, I must admit that I watched this one for the first time last week. Even though I am a Brando/Brynner fan, I somehow missed this flick in the "must sees" and when it popped up on Netflix I pushed play.

So, the two hour saga on the ship commenced and frankly I liked it, but I just can't get over a few factors in the movie. First and foremost is the accents; excluding the German actors Brando is the only one speaking in a German accent (a very good one by the way) and Yul speaks in his famous deep baritone Russian accent. The other actors are British and they speak their dialect as their characters and when the American come on board you got all kinds of regional accents going on there.

Now, the Americans I can look past as we all have certain types of accents, but the hodgepodge of accents amongst the main characters just does not jive. However, the story is a good one and the demons each of the two main characters have inside is also a well put sub plot. I think the the thing I like about the movie the best was the actual shooting of the film. The interior engine shots are well done and reminded me of "The Sand Pebbles". Likewise, the long one-take shots from the air are extremely rigid and give the viewer a great angle of the size of the ship.

So, I think overall the movie was well made and the acting was impeccable. But, it just needed a few elements of polish to really make it a stand out flick and maybe the title needed to be re-worked as well.

RIP Brando and Brynner,


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