yes the decks were reinforced to take the punishment of the recoil, and i should imagine they were tied to a big tree or something too, it canot have been much fun being so close to a mortar of that size in an enclosed area, in some illustrations the mortar crew shelter behind a wooden partition with the fuse running along and through a small hole in the wooden barrier. as for figures the answer is no, there are a few mortar crew figures around but i build these boats for sale at toy fairs and so leave it to the collectors to find the appropriate figures, however i have just been messing around with latex and casting resin and have managed to make a few crude (but at a distance passable) figures for the albemarle mainly just standing and 2-3 in puliing on ropes poses, i have just a bit more painting to do and then i will glue or blue tack them in wife says i have too much time on my hands !
kind regards steve