Musings on figures: past and future (1 Viewer)

Basil Duke

Mar 3, 2008
21st Century seems to be bi-polar when it comes to figure production.

The most recent Germans are outstanding, as are the newer paint jobs on the Ruskies.

But are there more than six people on this continent who would have answered "pre-war Chinese nationalist infantry" when asked to name THE figure set they most wanted to see roll off 21st's assembly line?

And the Italians are, frankly, bizarre for their lack of fighting poses. Really, there's only one lad who qualifies - and even he isn't discharging his rifle, but merely holding his weapon in a ready position. If 21st had at least draped this squad in winter clothing, even without changing their lackluster poses, they could have been used in Eastern Front dioramas (Operation Uranus). The numerous "shameless fleeing" or "numb gawking" poses would have been perfect foils for an onslaught of Red armor and infantry. As they exist in reality, however, you can almost see them in downtown Rome on a fine summer day. "Look, there walks a very attractive young lady, the one in the red dress," says the pointing guy. "Yes, I see her. She's is truly a goddess," agrees the soldier on his knee. "I will fetch her and get her address," adds the dog-trotting figure. "Perhaps she is free this evening."

I'm still piqued by the last of the American sets - the woeful, dreadfully painted and indifferently sculpted canteen boy series, perhaps the most worthless collection of stand-about cotton mouths ever pumped out of a toy soldier factory.

We've had no new G.I.s out of this otherwise great outfit for about seven years! Why???

If I had superhero powers, I'd force 21st to produce the following poses (all Americans of the same sculpting and painting caliber of the newest Huns):

1. Kneeling, firing carbine or Garand from the shoulder
2. Standing, firing Thompson
3. Officer, crouching and firing Model 1911 Colt
4. Prone, firing carbine or Garand
5. Any type of wounded pose, but preferably just shot and pitching forward
6. Standing, helmet-less and swinging Garand like a club

I could go on for about another hour, but will leave it at that.
What you said!:) I agree with all of it except for your comment on the Italians. I actually like them:eek: The Chinese are kind of random though, where did 21st get the idea for that :confused: ? I would also really like some more Russains, noone seems to make plastic Russians besides 21st and TSSD.
Greetings, Colonel Pickle.

Re: plastic Russian troops: Italeri recently (within the last year, at least) came out with WWII Russian infantry. These were released at or near the same time as the Italeri winter Waffen SS troops. I've been told that they're compatible with TSSD's Ruskies, which would make them too big to set up with 21st Century's figures (assuming that TSSD's WWII troops are as big as their Civil War figures). Lest this be construed as a knock against TSSD: the company's Civil War soldiers are really fine, well-sculpted models. They're just too meaty for my personal collecting tastes. Nary a case of the bloody flux in any of 'em!

Basil Duke
St. Louis

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