My ACW Collection (1 Viewer)


Feb 9, 2008
Here are some pix of my ACW collection. Plenty of plastic, here.
What you see is an old china cabinet that I removed the doors from. I installed glass shelves to accommodate some of my 54 mm ACW collection. Yes, I did put the doors back on to keep the dust out. I paid around 100 bucks for the cabinet, at a Salvation Army shop, and turned it into a nice piece that holds hundreds of 54 mm figures. It also has 3 compartments underneath, that hold most of the terrain pieces.

That's correct. Those are 54 mm figures. Most of it belonged to Orv Banasik, back in the 80's. Some of you old timers may remember Orv from the MWAN days. A wonderful gentleman and a pioneer in the art of 54mm wargaming. Orv was the ultimate "can do" guy. He was up to any challenge and always made it work. I pray that he is well.

Anyway, I bought it from him lock, stock and barrel. Hundreds of painted and based figures, all separated into 12 man units. Every unit had a Cmd stand with a drummer, Officer and flag bearer. Orv also made his own pontoon wagon, wounded men cart, covered wagons, limbers, caissons and cannons. What you see here is about half of it.

Not all of it belonged to Orv. There are a couple of hundred plastic figures, painted by Tony Portilla AKA CombatPainter. Tony and I lived close enough to visit each other and when he moved, I got most of his collection.

And then there are a few hundred figures painted by myself. Mostly artillery figures, which I find easier to paint. I did most of the artillery pieces, including the limbers and caissons. I also did the falling horse and rider, you can see in one of the pix.

Here are a few random samples.

OK have to break it up into 2 parts. See below
Wonderful collection Bill.I didn't know you were a ACW collector.
Beautiful and impressive. Great display cases. I think I see some Bussler zouaves.
Scott, If you look closely, you'll see that about 60 % of the figues are Busslers. I love the Bussler line and have hundreds more. There are tons of Bussler conversions scattered about. There are I/R's, Shenendoah's, lots of home cast conversions made from those orange molds from Dunken and all kinds of metal/plastic conversions. There are even some Britains "Deetail" converted figures.

I'll show more in part 2.
Scott, If you look closely, you'll see that about 60 % of the figues are Busslers. I love the Bussler line and have hundreds more. There are tons of Bussler conversions scattered about. There are I/R's, Shenendoah's, lots of home cast conversions made from those orange molds from Dunken and all kinds of metal/plastic conversions. There are even some Britains "Deetail" converted figures.

I'll show more in part 2.

WOW!! Just WOW...words fail me - awesome collection. And that display case is beautiful. I especially envy your Busslers. When I was a kid, I wore out several of their catalogs just thumbing through them and drooling - never could afford them on my allowance though. Do you have this one?

Bussler Artillery.jpg

The ultimate toy soldier set IMHO.
WOW!! Just WOW...words fail me - awesome collection. And that display case is beautiful. I especially envy your Busslers. When I was a kid, I wore out several of their catalogs just thumbing through them and drooling - never could afford them on my allowance though. Do you have this one?

View attachment 181870

The ultimate toy soldier set IMHO.

Yes, I do. In fact, I have a factory painted one that I got from Doc's Son in Law, after Doc passed away.
I went up to the Bussler home and bought up everything in sight from the Son In Law.

I even have the wooden bases!!! And all the old catalogs, too. I also have the 28 mm line.

Along with about 3,000 castings!!!!

Shoot me an email if you want some, now that you're all grown up!
Impressive. Both in sheer numbers and in variety.

I salute you, sir, on your fine collection and display case.

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