My apology (1 Viewer)


Mar 27, 2008

Yesterday morning, I posted a poll which was intended as a tongue-in-cheek spoof of the many and numerous polls which we have here in the forum. In the judgement of the admins, it ran counter to the rules and spirit of the forum. That is fair; we all sign the rules and agree to abide by them. An admin post had been added, asking me to take down the poll, but it looks like the admins did, before I could come back and do it.

If anyone was offended by my poll, I apologize. It was certainly not intended to attack anyone specifically, nor to intimidate nor discourage anyone from posting a serious poll.

Thanks, and prost!
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Didn't get to see it Brad. I trust it was humerous. ;)
The one thing I would like to see, is an end date for polls. I use the 'New Posts' facility and every now and then we get a surge of dozens of polls, several years old, which whilst interesting to compare, keep bouncing back up every hour or so. It'd be nice if there could be a month or so cut off for voting on polls. Don't know what others thoughts on this are, or even if it's do-able.


No problem - I did a thread which was along the same lines as your poll - I think this whole poll thing has gotten out of hand - personally.

I don't think you offended anyone - unless they were looking to be offended - at least that was my experience.

I don't think an apology is needed from anyone. I tend to look at these things from a longer range view as to how this is going to play generally throught out the toy soldier community, etc.

I like Simon's idea and I'm going to look at every poll, with an idea to closing them, especially ones more than a year old.
Didn't get to see it Brad. I trust it was humerous. ;)
The one thing I would like to see, is an end date for polls. I use the 'New Posts' facility and every now and then we get a surge of dozens of polls, several years old, which whilst interesting to compare, keep bouncing back up every hour or so. It'd be nice if there could be a month or so cut off for voting on polls. Don't know what others thoughts on this are, or even if it's do-able.


Hi, Simon, actually, there is an option to set a close date, when we set up polls. Most users probably skip past it.

Brad, I for one thought your poll on polls humerous, and I loved the Beavis and Butthead reference on choice four. However, we have to cut the moderators some slack, as they have to keep the forum friendly. Not everyone shares everyone else's sense of humor, so where there is a potential for conflict, they (rightfully) err on the side of caution.
I didn't get to see your poll,kinda wished i had!.I posted a similar poll some months ago asking how annoying are polls???.I think almost everyone took it in good humor so i wouldn't worry too much.


Yesterday morning, I posted a poll which was intended as a tongue-in-cheek spoof of the many and numerous polls which we have here in the forum. In the judgement of the admins, it ran counter to the rules and spirit of the forum. That is fair; we all sign the rules and agree to abide by them. An admin post had been added, asking me to take down the poll, but it looks like the admins did, before I could come back and do it.

If anyone was offended by my poll, I apologize. It was certainly not intended to attack anyone specifically, nor to intimidate nor discourage anyone from posting a serious poll.

Thanks, and prost!

Because this is an International forum, the potential always exists for misunderstandings due to our different cultures - especially when it comes to humour.
I myself have posted quite a few messages over the span of my membership that after I posted them, I said to myself, "Sheesh H maybe you ought not to have said that as it could be misconstrued".
While the vast majority of my friends on this forum understand, or maybe more accurately, make allowances, for my sense of humour, I'm quite certain that sometimes it grates.
The point I'm trying to make here is that sometimes upsetting fellow members is as unavoidable as it's unintentional. You can't help that, I can't help that - it's just the way it is.
My opinion, for what it's worth, is that as a community on this forum, we serve a useful secondary purpose in that we do interact and possibly allow each other to understand our sometimes very different ways, and thereby foster and promote a culture of tolerance between us all.
BTW, I would have loved to have seen your poll.

Cheers and...ummm...Prost

Yesterday morning, I posted a poll which was intended as a tongue-in-cheek spoof of the many and numerous polls which we have here in the forum. In the judgement of the admins, it ran counter to the rules and spirit of the forum. That is fair; we all sign the rules and agree to abide by them. An admin post had been added, asking me to take down the poll, but it looks like the admins did, before I could come back and do it.

If anyone was offended by my poll, I apologize. It was certainly not intended to attack anyone specifically, nor to intimidate nor discourage anyone from posting a serious poll.

Thanks, and prost!

WOW Trooper WOW, No Gentlemen on this site, they are all Assassins Killers, if they are not packing an AK 47 or 120mm on their armour its machine guns or in my case Sabres, ie put Britains Capt Nolan up in full flight on the Charge of The Light Brigade, somebody came back saying would have liked to have seen him dying wounded on the ground, just bloodthirsty killers and you are apologizing WHAT. If people havn't got a sense of humour tough on them. I saw the poll Brad brought a smile to my face it was very good and knew what you were getting at. We have got to laugh at each other this world in my book is at least another 10,000 years from calling themselves civilized.

If we can't laugh at each other, that only leaves ourselves.:eek::rolleyes: Of course you could try laughing at your significant other but that could get you killed;):D I am sorry for missing your poll Brad, I would have voted.:cool: Was Harry one of the choices?:D:D
If we can't laugh at each other, that only leaves ourselves.:eek::rolleyes: Of course you could try laughing at your significant other but that could get you killed;):D I am sorry for missing your poll Brad, I would have voted.:cool: Was Harry one of the choices?:D:D



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