Hi Brad
Its apposite to mention Minden!
This battle is more than half-forgotten in Britain but is surely one of the (if not the) most remarkable of the redcoat era both for the sheer guts of the British and Hanoverian infantry and the undiluted ineptitude of Sackville. It must rank alongside Rorke's Drift as the most unlikely scenario to produce a victory for the Crown.
I suppose one has to conclude that at Minden mistakes in acting on orders both created the opportunity for a toal victory and denied it.
You recognise the 51st as one of the 6 "Minden" Regiments of the British Army and I think you might guess as to the reason I acquired both them and some rather splendid kits at the same time?
If you cant buy 'em make 'em. So there it is. For the
first step of the project all 6 Minden regiments (well 5 as the 51st are here already) will be created from the Tradition kits and painted as glossies. It may take a little while to complete the uniform research and decide on a final paint scheme for each regiment and I would be very interested in peoples views - particularly on gaiter colours worn on the day.
I will need to do a little sculpting as one of the 6 regiments has winged tunics but with that and one or two other minor modifications it should be possible to produce a "shining" example of toy soldier bravery! One can but try
i will post pictures of progress here in the "how to" "painting" forum if anyone would be interested. I cant say that it wil be inspirational in terms of quality but it wont lack for the perspirational !
One thing I have yet to find a truly detailed account of the battle - even the seminal work on the 7YW in Europe concentrates on marching about with the battles relegated to a couple of pages. Perhaps there is an Osprey to be written ?
Happy imaginings