My First Tradition Set (1 Viewer)


Feb 24, 2007
In conjunction with the book I am currently researching on a Union Naval Ensign during the Civil War, I am developing a glossy collection depicting the history of the American Navy from the 18th C through WWI. For my birthday last week I added this Tradition set of the Union Navy during the American Civil War. Next month I will be getting the Tradition Confederate Navy set.


  • TraditionUnionNavyRev.jpg
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AGreat set and a great birthday present Randy, looking forward to seeing the addition to your Navy. Will we be seeing any ships or boats ^&confuse^&grin
Hi Randy,

Thanks of sharing your birthday present of the Tradition Union Navy set.

I am looking forward to your next set of the Confederate Navy.

Your photograph sure does bring out the glossy paint finish.....very nice.

Best Wishes, Raymond.:)
Wow what great pics of a great set. I absolutely love the look of that set :)
Doncha just love the shine on those? You can't beat a good glossy to attract the eye. Hope you enjoy next month's instalment - and hope you share them with us too. All the best with the book Randy ..............johnnybach
Nice Cameo Collection. Do you have the K&C US Navy series? The figures are in matte finish and cover our Navy in Far East (Sand Pebbles era). Please continue to share photos of your expanding collection.

Congratulations, Randy! Tradition sets are wonderful, and this one is really nice. Now we need to get you a little paddle-wheeler for them to man :D

The title of this post caught my eye as, after many years, I received my first ever Tradition set this week. I hope you like them as much as I do. Photos do not do them justice.[/

51st Regiment of Foot at Minden.jpg
Nice set, Malcolm! These are the Tradition figures I particularly collect, albeit in kit form. Their 18th century British and French have been welcomed warmly among us Seven Years War fans.

Nice set, Malcolm! These are the Tradition figures I particularly collect, albeit in kit form. Their 18th century British and French have been welcomed warmly among us Seven Years War fans.



Many thanks. I have been collecting the Britains Redcoats for a little while and been admiring these from afar.

It has been a few years since I put brush to metal but these brave fellas will soon have some companions as I ,too, have purchased someof the marvellous kits from Magnus.

I have a SYW painting and modelling project in mind and am thinking of recording it on a blog - if I could decide which blogging software to use! The universe has room for many more 7YW blogs / sites yet I feel :)

The interesting thing about the paint scheme for the 51st is the green rather than red (or indeed white)trousers. I am looking for an illustration as Tradition must have been inspired by some historical image.

Their attention to details seems to be superb and I think the mdels would paint up womderfully using the popular 3 shades approach - if you like that sort of thing that is!

My project will be very very shiny :)
I'll be interested to see your project unfold, Malcolm, wherever you may wind up posting about it. For me, I'd like to do a scene from the Battle of Minden, and Tradition's line came along at just the right time. Now, if they'd only do French cavalry....

Hi Brad

Its apposite to mention Minden!

This battle is more than half-forgotten in Britain but is surely one of the (if not the) most remarkable of the redcoat era both for the sheer guts of the British and Hanoverian infantry and the undiluted ineptitude of Sackville. It must rank alongside Rorke's Drift as the most unlikely scenario to produce a victory for the Crown.

I suppose one has to conclude that at Minden mistakes in acting on orders both created the opportunity for a toal victory and denied it.

You recognise the 51st as one of the 6 "Minden" Regiments of the British Army and I think you might guess as to the reason I acquired both them and some rather splendid kits at the same time? ;)

If you cant buy 'em make 'em. So there it is. For the first step of the project all 6 Minden regiments (well 5 as the 51st are here already) will be created from the Tradition kits and painted as glossies. It may take a little while to complete the uniform research and decide on a final paint scheme for each regiment and I would be very interested in peoples views - particularly on gaiter colours worn on the day.

I will need to do a little sculpting as one of the 6 regiments has winged tunics but with that and one or two other minor modifications it should be possible to produce a "shining" example of toy soldier bravery! One can but try

i will post pictures of progress here in the "how to" "painting" forum if anyone would be interested. I cant say that it wil be inspirational in terms of quality but it wont lack for the perspirational !

One thing I have yet to find a truly detailed account of the battle - even the seminal work on the 7YW in Europe concentrates on marching about with the battles relegated to a couple of pages. Perhaps there is an Osprey to be written ?

Happy imaginings
Far from forgotten Malcolm - especially by members of those Regiments (or their successors) who have Minden as a battle honour.

Try this site for a short account - and the references associated with them - usually to be found towards the end. These are usually a good starting point to begin research with - for accounts of what happened and uniform details.

I tried Googling 51st Regt - and/or Minden - and there are quite a few pictures there too.

Then of course, there's also the library. I make friends with my local library people - tell them what I'm interested in - and they are usually able to help out with something - either there - or through the inter-library loan service. But Tradition are pretty good - and have usually done most of the hard work, you know.

Best of luck - johnnybach
Johnnybach - many thanks fo the help.

I have the Savory book and a number of other historical and uniform guides and use the superb kronoskaf 7YW site. This latter has a very useful guide to colours which attempts to define, for eaxmple, the various yellow tones of the many yellow faced British regiments of the period.

The colour chart is well researched in accordance with inetrnational colour definitions. "Gosling green" - the facing colour of the 51st - appears to be a sort of pale green as opposed to the vividity of the Tradition paint choice. Nonetheless there is a limited range of gloss paints available and it seems to me that unless there is a very obvious difference in facing colours then a simple selection is best.

The 20th Regiment are portrayed wearing white gaiters in a number of illustrations which goes against the perceived wisdom is that black, grey or brown gaiterrs were worn on campaign with white reserved for the parade ground . Moriers paintings are of soldiers in their finest and not as they would have looked in the field.

I have a lot of work to do before deciding on a colour chart for the first of the other five regiments assuming I can decide which of them to do first. Then there is the question of how to paint the lace...{eek3}
I'll be interested to see your project unfold, Malcolm, wherever you may wind up posting about it. For me, I'd like to do a scene from the Battle of Minden, and Tradition's line came along at just the right time. Now, if they'd only do French cavalry....


I have been scouting around for French Cavalry units but so far have drawn a blank. This is an obvious one for Tradition (or any other kit maker to produce). I will have a word with Magnus at Tradition and see if anything is planned.

If we had enough interest here we might be able to pre-order enough to make it worth their while producing them or at least bombard them with requests ;)


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