NAP0407-NAP0408 Prince Poniatowski and General Lasalle Pre-Order! (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
Dec 8, 2007
Yes, as people have seen from the new "category image" on our website a few days ago (I like to see who is paying attention!), we have two new Mounted Personalities for our Napoleon's Europe figure range. This time it's General Lasalle and Prince Poniatowski!

Prince Josef Poniatowski was a Pole who lead the armies of the Grand Duchy of Warsaw in French service. Serving alongside the French during the invasion of Russia, he had command of the French right wing during the operational elements of the campaign as well as the French right flank during the Battle of Borodino where he lead the attacks against the Utitza mound and the village of Utitza itself. During the retreat, he saved Murat at Vinkova from utter destruction and he was severly wounded at Viazma. After recovering from his wounds, he went on participate in the 1813 campaign in Saxony where he again served with distinction. He was loyal to Napoleon until the end when he was entrusted with the rear guard at the Battle of Leipzig and rather than surrender, he died trying to swim the Elster river while wounded. He had been made a Field Marshal of France only 3 day before his death as a reward for his unfalteringly loyal service to the Empire.

General Lasalle is one of the most famous of all Napoleonic Generals and served with great distinction from the period of the revolution through his death during the Battle of Wagram in 1809. He was a superb light cavalry commander with with dash and flair - intellingent, talented, handsome, brave, and brash he truly personafied the light cavalry officer of the period. One of Napoleon's favorites, the Emperor often overlooked his rowdy behavior and when asked by a prefect why he never disciplined him stated "It takes a stroke of a pen to create a prefect, but it takes 20 years to create a Lasalle." He lead from the front and fought bravely in nearly every campaign from 1795 through 1809 when he was killed outright leading a charge at the Battle of Wagram. The Emperor and the army would mourn his loss.

Both of these wonderful figures are superbly sculpted and hand painted to a very high level. Each is a Special Collectors Set of 230. We sincerely hope you enjoy them!

NAP0407 Prince Josef Poniatowski - $169.95
NAP0408 General Lasalle - $169.95
Shipping Early January 2013














First Legion Ltd

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