Napoleonic Books (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Nov 2, 2010
Has anybody read any good books on the Napoleonic Wars recently? I am looking for some suggestions for my summer reading ^&grin
I'm making my way through "The Napoleonic Wars: an Illustrated History 1792-1815" by Michael Glover. It's a good general overview, although a little light on maps and diagrams. It is an older book, but you can probably find it fairly cheap online. I have heard the Historical Atlas of the Napoleonic Era by Konstam is good as well.
I recommend The Age of Napoléon by J. Christopher Herold and Napoléon on the Art of War by Jay Luvaas. I have other great books on Napoléon but they are in French :wink2:

On the novel front: Napoléon's Pyramids series by William Dietrich. Very entertaining! Happy reading!
For some lite Summer reading I would say " The Battle " by Patrick Rambaud . Its a Novel , which are not normally my thing but i recently re-read it and enjoyed it the second time as well . He did his homework for sure and really brings some of the characters to life . Worth a look .. Oh its focuss is the battle of Essling, very well done IMO .. Regards Gebhar
Thanks for the suggestions guys I ordered all of these off Amazon this afternoon.
The Armies of Wellington by Philip J. Haythornthwaite has heaps of great stories about British soldiers in the Napoleonic campaigns. It also covers army organisation and a heap of other very interesting stuff.

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