Napoleonic Ideas For The Britains Team (Who's Current Sets Leave Little To Be Desired (1 Viewer)


1st Lieutenant
Sep 23, 2006
I know Britains have been doing napoleonic sets for a good few years with the initial release of coldstream guards and Nassuers defending hougoumont, to Scots greys/Inniskilling, to personalities, 92nd and 42nd Highlanders, Lancers and of course a lot of varied french infantry!!!^&grin

I think for 2015 Britains shoudl aim for a model of La Haye Sainte and some KGL figures! Some artillery (Royal Horse and Foot Artillery wouyld be awesome and some of the french Grand Batterie! Prussians and Black Brunswickers mounted and foot figures would be superb too!^&grin

Any other ideas from collectors?^&grin


KGL, more French line, more 95th, and ARTILLERY!!! Also French medical!
Well we know artillery is on the way, I'm with Sandor, I would love to see some French medical sets. I'm super excited for the future of Britains Naps! Also, if I get nothing else, I've got to see Britains do the Imperial guard with a flourish!
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KGL, more French line, more 95th, and ARTILLERY!!! Also French medical!

I've been asking for a La Haye Sainte building for a while now. It has just got to come. And of course the KGL.
We have seen lots of buildings and structures for ACW and the Zulu series. With the 200th anniversary of the battle of Waterloo just around the corner LHS is a must for WB.
If WB break up the building into four or five segments and releases the buyer can buy the whole farm or just a facade or any of the sections that they want to fit their display area and/or their budget. Just like the Rorke's Drift buildings.
I feel Black Brunswickers are on their way. And artillery of some sort is in the pipeline.
More casualties on both sides and how about some Scots Greys getting stuck into the French artillery battery.
Thankfully the list is endless. What a great time period and subject and what a great hobby!^&grin
The seemingly endless black hole of Napoleonic possibilities is why I went back to 28mm as most troops types are covered and in huge variety. But I still collect 54mm Britain's Naps, ACW.
Here's my choices. 1st, Flank companies for the 44th.
Artillery , French Line Horse at least 2 sets and one WITH A HOWITZER. Same for British , either foot or horse, but there are no good Howitzers in 54mm.
KGL Light , both with rifles and with muskets.
British Light Infantry
I do like the idea of La Hay Sainte.There is plenty of room there for KGL Kight and French in standard fighting poses, as well as some hand to hand vignettes and of course casualties.
Imperial Guard? Yes, that would be great. Don't forget the Young Guard, everyone else has.:(
I've been asking for a La Haye Sainte building for a while now. It has just got to come. And of course the KGL.
We have seen lots of buildings and structures for ACW and the Zulu series. With the 200th anniversary of the battle of Waterloo just around the corner LHS is a must for WB.
If WB break up the building into four or five segments and releases the buyer can buy the whole farm or just a facade

I like this a lot. Why not, go for it Britains.

They are doing good things with a Waterloo themed run here, I say stay on it, would love to see Brunswick infantry and cavalry, Dutch/Belgian infantry, Dutch cavalry in crested helmets and bicornes, Prussian Infantry, cavalry and artillery, you can run with this theme for a long time.
La Haye Sainte would be good but not just a wall/gate for a simple shelf would have to be the whole thing!
KGL troops would be needed to defend it!
Some Prussians would be good maybe a Flagbearer or two..Prussian Guns would be nice {kinda how the ACW Guns are sold separately}.
Stove pipe British lights and Nassau troops.

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