Napoleonic Ideas... (1 Viewer)


1st Lieutenant
Sep 23, 2006
How about a few personality figures, such as Uxbridge in his hussar's uniform being helped to the surgeon after a cannon ball has struck his leg? Or Sir Robert Macara of the 42nd who died at Quatres Bras when a group of french lancers saw him being carried from the field and killed him and his carrying party?

Sir Vivian Hussey at Waterloo who still has his right arm in a sling from a wound he got in the Peninsular war? Would be one of the most accurate figures every produced, Hussey had to fight left handed throughout the battle of Waterloo due to this.

Major General Edward Lord Edward Somerset who picked up a Life Guard helmet whioch he found on the ground after losing his own hat in a charge?

Major General George Cooke of the 1st Guards, 1st division commander at Waterloo.

De Lancey who was wounded badly at Waterloo?

Would be great to see some personality figures of the Waterloo era. Maybe a version of Ney? Or Grouche?

Some more wounded british and french figures. More sets of figures helping each other. Lying dead, falling backwards, dead horses, men falling from horses, wounded figures are great!

All of your suggested releases sound like they would look really cool, Scott. But in my opinion, the most glaring ommision in K&C's Naps range is French fusiliers in greatcoats and covered shakos. They wouldn't be the prettiest, most colorful figures, but they would be an acurate representation of the majority of infantry Napoleon had in his ranks.
Sounds good mate! I'm sure with king and country's standards they would look amazing! ;)

How about a british RHA Team with destroyed wheel and wounded personell being helped back behind the ridge, items lying around the set, and bits of wheel lying around. A cannon with a RHA team member who was bushing the cannon ball to the back of the barrell throwing his hands in the air with back bent backwards and his head back as if just struck by a bit of shrapnel and who's helmet has went to one side with his ramrod still in the cannon barrell? ^&grin

Would be nice to see a set of Royal Foot Artillery, the only manufacturer to make one for waterloo to date is frontline!^&grin

Even just some british horsemen, maybe members of the duke's staff who have been blown off their horses or who together with horse has just had a cannon ball explosion beside them and who are falling off to one side or forward or backward?

Anothe idea would be some Hanoverian Infantry from the KGL who had just the standard uniforms of the british infantry, however not sure about cuffs, these men were a mixture of british and germans who fought very bravely at Waterloo!:smile2:

Black Brunswickers too!:wink2:

And Nassau infantry and officers, and mounted dutch officers and a figure of Prince William of Orange!


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