Napoleonic Poll (1 Viewer)


Jul 26, 2009
I was wondering - how many Yanks out there are into serious Napoleonic collecting? It seems to me that many people in the states have an affinity for the medieval period, as well as WWII and the "sword and sandal" era, but the Napoleonic Wars are overlooked. Any insight into this?
I was wondering - how many Yanks out there are into serious Napoleonic collecting? It seems to me that many people in the states have an affinity for the medieval period, as well as WWII and the "sword and sandal" era, but the Napoleonic Wars are overlooked. Any insight into this?
I don't think it is overlooked here, just relatively less popular than WWII and the ACW for obvious reasons. I started collecting WWII Aircraft, Knights and Greek/Persians and have a few Romans and AZW figures but the Napoleonic period is currently my passion, especially the Peninsula. I must confess, First Legion's amazing figures had a lot to do with that.:cool:
All of my Napoleonic stuff is in unpainted plastic. Armies In Plastic, Timpo, Airfix, HaT, Call to Arms and Italieri.
Apart from painting Airfix Napoleonics when I was in high school, I don't really collect the period. I'm interested in it, as I'm interested in other periods of history, but not enough to have more than a smattering of figures from the Napoleonic Wars, by various makers, and a small collection of references.

I am very into the Napoleonic era.
Most collectors concentrate on the Waterloo campaign but I enjoy the entire period.
There are a host of makers for this period including K&C, First Legion, W Britains, Collector's Showcase, Little Legion, ATS and Soldiers of the World.
I have an interest in Napoleonic history but I do not collect figures of the period. Many years ago I decided that collecting Napoleonic TS was a black hole. There is just too much to collect in terms of the number of protagonists and too many figures needed to represent an action. I like the period and uniforms and occasionally toy with the idea of getting some representative figures but so far have not. I do not own a single Napoleonic figure. I have some books and have done some reading but that is about it. -- lancer
It's odd for me and I can't explain why but I have no interest really in the Napoleonic Wars. What makes it odd is that mounted figures are some of my favourite pieces to collect and the Napoleonic Wars has to be one of the best to collect for this type of interest yet I collect Anglo Zulu Wars instead :)
I have zero interest in the Napoleonic period. While the uniforms are undoubtedly among the most beautiful of any period, the type of warfare (columns advancing on lines, cavalry charging against squares, muskets that were only accurate for about 60 feet) does nothing for me. Plus, the United States was only involved in a tertiary way (the War of 1812), so it just doesn't grab me.
Disclaimer: I am American, but only in the larger sense of the word. You see I'm Canadian :)

I never had much interest in Napoleanics either as it's just so grandoise to collect and I just never aquired a taste for it.Actually the Naval side of it interest me more.I collect basically FIW now and have collected ACW.
Now the HaT has those nice Light Infantry, I have about 100 figures representing the three types of companies within a batallion. But as Lancer's a black hole because of the scope. HaT is supposed to come out with French troops on campaign which is what I'd rather have for all theatres of the wars. For antagonists I'm sticking with Britain 1812-15, Russian 1812, and Prussian 1812-15 as their uniforms were pretty standard throughout the respective armies.
I have zero interest in the Napoleonic period. While the uniforms are undoubtedly among the most beautiful of any period, the type of warfare (columns advancing on lines, cavalry charging against squares, muskets that were only accurate for about 60 feet) does nothing for me. Plus, the United States was only involved in a tertiary way (the War of 1812), so it just doesn't grab me.
Everyone should collect what they like but I hope you know Louis that what you describe is but a glimse of the type of warfare of that period.;):D If you are every interested in a more comprehensive view, I would recommend Roy Muir's Tactics and the Experience of Battle in the Age of Napoleon.
Thanks for the suggestion. I'm not Louis but I'll give Muir's book a look. Just checked it out at Amazon. Under $20. Cheers.
Thanks for the suggestion. I'm not Louis but I'll give Muir's book a look. Just checked it out at Amazon. Under $20. Cheers.
I think you will like it. It also has that great First Legion Prussians cover.;):D
I think Louis and I only collect Napoleonics in the same way: glossy K & C. Unfortunately (or fortunately, for my budget), it doesn't grab me either although it is very colorful.
I love the Napoleonic era, trouble is I can't stand these one or two figure sets, the era is about massed formations and you have to be rich or absolutely committed to the era to get a real feel of what it was all about.
So I;m getting out of the era from the 60mm stand point.
i've always been curious about 30mm flats and am looking into that. hoping I can get the feel of the era without totallly breaking the bank and still get the beauty and the massed formations!
I love the Napoleonic era, trouble is I can't stand these one or two figure sets, the era is about massed formations and you have to be rich or absolutely committed to the era to get a real feel of what it was all about.
So I;m getting out of the era from the 60mm stand point.
i've always been curious about 30mm flats and am looking into that. hoping I can get the feel of the era without totallly breaking the bank and still get the beauty and the massed formations!

Hi Ray,

Collecting Napoleonic figures has been somewhat frustrating to me also. I love the colorful uniforms and the variety of nationalities represented, but, as others have stated, collecting Napoleonics seems like a bottomless black hole. In addition to there being an endless stream of collectible figures, one must collect numerous duplicates in order to develop a truly impressive display.

Your suggestion of collecting 30 mm flats may have much merit and discovering the outcome of your explorations of the flats will be very interesting to me. Will you consider sharing what you learn with us? I am sure others will also be interested in any information you might be able to share with us.

Warmest personals regards,

Pat :)
I have been only collecting Napoleonic figurines for the last 10 years and I love it (OK I am biased, while American, I was born in France). I really like the diversity and colorfulness of the uniforms across all armies involved in the Napoleonic wars, the story behind each of the players, etc. The fact that there is no limit is actually cool to me since this allows for many vignettes and battle sets.:D
Hi Grognard, You wrote,
OK I am biased, while American, I was born in France.

We're all biased. Some of us are just a bit more aware of it than others.

Vive l'Empereur! :)

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