Napoleonic Sapper (1 Viewer)


Sep 10, 2008
I was digging thru my treasure trove and came across a rather sad looking Historex reject from several years back. This was an Imperial Guard Chasseur de la Garde Sapeur.
So I decided to work on it a little more.
I note that these Sappers were generally well-built burly types and I reworked the torso completely to represent a fatter man, and also changed the stance. I cut off a few mm from the usual Historex legs and fattened the calves. I resculpted a new face and resized the bearskin hat. This is the result so far.

Rgds Victor

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I hope that continue with the project because I'd love to see the finished figure after your skills are performed on him :)

Seeing I'm a NAP fan, I'll be sure interested in getting one IF you decide to make a mould and make them available?

Keep up the good work,

Hello John,

Thanks for your very kind comments. My work is still experimental (?). Anyway, here's a little more progress on this piece.
Bearskin all built up with a pyrogravure. Head was readjusted with relation to the torso. The lapels are being rebuilt as the original detail was a liltte too flat. I am rebuilding most of the details on the legs. The apron was made from rolled out putty.

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Some progress.

Pic 1. lace is added to the lapels and figure was sprayed in matt grey primer.
Pic 2. Lots of imperfections - look at those wrinkles!
Pic 3. More sanding down, beard trimmed and a hair bun added.
Pic 4. soles have been added to the re-sculpted shoes.

Rgds Victor

Added the coattails and am now shaping it to fit the back neatly before I add trimmings and buttons. The apron dislodged for the photo. It actually fits quite well.

Rgds Victor

Minor progress on this piece. Added some basic colour washes and am now working on the apron and coattails.

Rgds Victor

I found this piece again and also all the sapper parts still in the kit. I've decided to redo the face and have also started to add the arms.


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