Napoleonic Trivia #93 (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
Jul 16, 2009
2 famous generals won an unusual race for that time against Napoléon. What was the race about and who were those generals?
2 famous generals won an unusual race for that time against Napoléon. What was the race about and who were those generals?

Hi Grognard,

Maybe Wellington and Blücher at Waterloo. They won the race against clock. The first for his defense, waiting for the Prussians, against which the French were exhausted and the second to be reached before Grouchy.

Hi Grognard,

Maybe Wellington and Blücher at Waterloo. They won the race against clock. The first for his defense, waiting for the Prussians, against which the French were exhausted and the second to be reached before Grouchy.

Good thinking Valmy but this is not the correct answer :wink2:
Hет Вальми! (No Valmy!):wink2:

Hi Grognard,

During Egypt campaign, Bonaparte met a caravan with dromedaries. The general purposed a race between horse and dromedary.He asked to Colbert and Beauharnais to ride dromedaries. Bonaparte kept his horse. He lost the race but a new unit was created : le régiment des dromadaires.

Have a nice WE
Hi Grognard,

During Egypt campaign, Bonaparte met a caravan with dromedaries. The general purposed a race between horse and dromedary.He asked to Colbert and Beauharnais to ride dromedaries. Bonaparte kept his horse. He lost the race but a new unit was created : le régiment des dromadaires.

Have a nice WE

3rd time is the charm! :wink2: Yes, this is the correct answer Valmy!{bravo}}Unable to catch up with them, Bonaparte declared that within a month, he would have a regiment of dromedaries. On 20 Nivôse Year VII (9 January, 1799), he created the dromedary regiment. This one was disbanded after he left Egypt...
3rd time is the charm! :wink2: Yes, this is the correct answer Valmy!{bravo}}Unable to catch up with them, Bonaparte declared that within a month, he would have a regiment of dromedaries. On 20 Nivôse Year VII (9 January, 1799), he created the dromedary regiment. This one was disbanded after he left Egypt...

Thanks Grognard,

I was not sure and at first I thought more wars and battles.


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