Napoleonic war game unit sizes (1 Viewer)


Private 1st Class
May 14, 2014
To those of you who wargame the Napoleonic wars in 1/32 scale I ask, How many figures do you use per unit for the rules that you use?
What size units are used and how many figures to represent each unit? Also what is the make up of a unit? In that I mean how many officers, drummers/buglers, fusiliers, grenadiers, voltiguers, sappers, flag bearers, mounted officers and other assorted personnel? How many battalions in a fielded regiment and so forth.

I also need information on cavalry and artillary units as above.

I assume that a game based on battalion level will be different for game based on a division game but any information would be helpful.

The reason I ask is that I am trying to paint and sell a few of my extra figures and if I can group them correctly for wargaming purposes I feel they would sell better.

Thankyou in advance.
I personally use Neil Thomas's rules for Napoleonics and use 16 Infantry or 8 Cavalry to a unit for 1/32nd scale games - I am still building forces. I usually have 3-4 command figures and would have a couple of Voltiguers and a couple of Grenadiers in a French unit.

The games I play are fairly abstract so have 8-12 units a side rather than a specific Order of Battle.

I use 4 figures mounted 2 x 2 on an 80mm base, but it will vary according to ruleset. Basing the figures individually might be your best bet as tey can be rebased or used on movement trays by the eventual owner.


To those of you who wargame the Napoleonic wars in 1/32 scale I ask, How many figures do you use per unit for the rules that you use?
What size units are used and how many figures to represent each unit? Also what is the make up of a unit? In that I mean how many officers, drummers/buglers, fusiliers, grenadiers, voltiguers, sappers, flag bearers, mounted officers and other assorted personnel? How many battalions in a fielded regiment and so forth.

I also need information on cavalry and artillary units as above.

I assume that a game based on battalion level will be different for game based on a division game but any information would be helpful.

The reason I ask is that I am trying to paint and sell a few of my extra figures and if I can group them correctly for wargaming purposes I feel they would sell better.

Thankyou in advance.
Hi, I agree with Mike - base them individually and let the buyer group them as he pleases. Here in South Australia, I've participated in some 1/32 wargames and the units can vary in number of soldiers per unit. In some games each unit has 12 figures for infantry and 10 for cavalry. For some games they can be 16 to 20 per unit for infantry and 15 for cavalry. So individual basing makes them flexible.

The guys here use movement trays and each infantry figure usually has a 40 or 50mm square base and an infantry figure usually has an 80mm by 40mm or 100 by 50mm base. Artillery units are simply put on movement trays as well and the crew are individually based so that the players have the flexibility to put an many crew members per artillery piece as the game dictates. I hope this helps.
Thanks for the replies.

I am not going to afix the figures to bases as there is so much variety to war game rules. I was only concerned with selling them in groups that gamers would be interested in so as to not have too many leftover figures or to be short only a few to complete a unit.

As I can now see, that number is very flexible and as I am trying to attract the greatest number of buyers I must err on the side of too many over too few. Extra figures could be the start of a new unit that the buyer could build off of.

As far as artillary goes would adding a cannon to the figures be more attractive to the buyer or does everyone have an abundance of guns? I know the guns can be a pain to paint but wasting money on guns that you already have when what you need is troops to man them is a different kind of pain.

Again, thanks in advance for anyones comments.
Just sell the painted artillery crew members with their cannons. I think it makes sense and one cannot have too many cannons. Some can be used for dioramas.

Thanks for the replies.

I am not going to afix the figures to bases as there is so much variety to war game rules. I was only concerned with selling them in groups that gamers would be interested in so as to not have too many leftover figures or to be short only a few to complete a unit.

As I can now see, that number is very flexible and as I am trying to attract the greatest number of buyers I must err on the side of too many over too few. Extra figures could be the start of a new unit that the buyer could build off of.

As far as artillary goes would adding a cannon to the figures be more attractive to the buyer or does everyone have an abundance of guns? I know the guns can be a pain to paint but wasting money on guns that you already have when what you need is troops to man them is a different kind of pain.

Again, thanks in advance for anyones comments.

As per your suggestions I spent a week painting these guys for sale on ebay as a French line infantry battalion. There are 20 figures with 8 fusiliers, and 4 each grenadiers, voltigeurs and command. Thanks for the suggestions.

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