Napoleonics Wish List (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Nov 2, 2010
Well in July we got some wonderful Hussars and it seems like a few more are coming our way. In the next few months, I'm hoping to see a Royal Artillery set, 95th Rifles, Old Guard Chasseurs, and perhaps some Dutch, Belgian, or Prussian troops. What are you guys hoping to see in the future?


Hoping to see new infantry from the Polish Legion ... and on the Allied side, line infantry from the Kings German Legion. Russian guard cavalry would be a real bonus.

From the Egyptian range, more British Navy and Marines and Mameluks :salute::

It seems like K&C is concentrating on Waterloo, and the later years of the Napoleonic Wars, 1812-15, so I don't think that anything Russian troops are on the drawing board.

Royal Artillery was mentioned by Andy this month when he spoke to collectors in Australia, so I'd say that after the additional Hussars, that's next.

95th Foot, have been done by other makers, Line KGL are very similar British, and Andy is not interested in Germans from 1815, only 1914 and 1936-45, so I'd say we will have no luck with these either :(

Polish Legion, again, not Waterloo, and Dutch / Belgians are very limited other than Waterloo, so not a good market seller.

Therefore the only suggestion that could be planned is Chasseurs of the Old Guard, and their final stand, which would make a wonderful diorama with the troops in campaign clothing and many wounded ???

I'd like to see both French and British Light Infantry.

As far as Napoleon in Egypt, why not British Infantry, which could also be used in the Peninsula Wars wearing the stove pipe hat and campaign clothing looking ragged ????

We shall see what Christmas brings us :)

Hi Guys,

Many thanks for your “Wish List”...I am happy to say at least some of your favorites are already well-advanced in the production system for release later this year and into next (2016).

Among my own personal favorites is an extensive line of British Napoleonic Royal Artillery as well as their French counterparts.

More 7th Hussars are also in the pipeline. Hope this little “soupcon”...helps, Happy Collecting!

Hi Guys,

Many thanks for your “Wish List”...I am happy to say at least some of your favorites are already well-advanced in the production system for release later this year and into next (2016).

Among my own personal favorites is an extensive line of British Napoleonic Royal Artillery as well as their French counterparts.

More 7th Hussars are also in the pipeline. Hope this little “soupcon”...helps, Happy Collecting!



thanks for the good news, now I'd better make more space in the display shelves for those horses and guns :)

Looking forward to see what you have for us in Monday's DISPATCHES :)

Thanks for the "heads-up" Andy! I'll be eagerly looking forward to additional 7th Hussars and the British and French artillery.
Does anyone know if we can expect some fighting Hussars in addition to the garrison duty figures? I sure would like some charging figures to accompany my Cuirassiers and lancers into battle.
Does anyone know if we can expect some fighting Hussars in addition to the garrison duty figures? I sure would like some charging figures to accompany my Cuirassiers and lancers into battle.


yes, Andy did hint ( in Melbourne last month) that there were also some fighting Hussars coming as well as the 'at ease' figures that we have been shown so far.

I am leaning towards these current figures because I love being able to pose them with some buildings that I hope to construct in the coming year.


yes, Andy did hint ( in Melbourne last month) that there were also some fighting Hussars coming as well as the 'at ease' figures that we have been shown so far.

I am leaning towards these current figures because I love being able to pose them with some buildings that I hope to construct in the coming year.


Thanks for the info. I also really like the versatility of the garrison duty figures, but with the declining value of the Canadian dollar I'll have to pick between the fighting and "at ease" poses. I'll have to wait until both have been released then pick!
Just a quick thought ... between "at rest" and "fighting" poses, perhaps the resting ones would be less expensive as the fighting ones will need for someone to fight against. {sm3} Aside from the NAP in Egypt, "at rest" poses for the main K&C NAPs are under represented.

Just a quick thought ... between "at rest" and "fighting" poses, perhaps the resting ones would be less expensive as the fighting ones will need for someone to fight against. {sm3} Aside from the NAP in Egypt, "at rest" poses for the main K&C NAPs are under represented.


I've seen a cuirassier drinking a pint but, correct me if I'm wrong, don't they also play cards and chat to serving *****es? A third cuirassier release would correct that imbalance{sm4}
Just a thought, but I wonder if K&C has ever considered doing personalities from the Sharpe or Horatio Hornblower TV series. Their figures of Fury and Kelly's Heroes are really well done. I would certainly love set of Sharpe and the Chosen Men or Hornblower and a few of the major characters form the series.
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Just a thought, but I wonder if K&C has ever considered doing personalities from the Sharpe or Horatio Hornblower TV series.


good idea, but have you also seen what Tradition of London has in their Toy SOldier Range???

2 sets from the Sharpe series, including the main players

Richard Sharpe

Sgt Patrick Harper

Sergeant Obadiah Hakeswill

and a selection of 95th Foot Soldiers and South Essex Regt.

Thanks for pointing this out. These are pretty good!
Some good suggestions here. But sometime in the future I would really really like too see the French Carabiniers Heavy Cavalry preferably the 1st or 2nd Regiment whom fought at Waterloo. They would be great additions. These will certainly sell well ..^&cool
For the British either 15th Hussars with their unusual brown busbies or my preference would be the 10th Light Dragoons (Hussars actually) with their felt red shakos and bright coloured smart uniforms.^&cool.I hope K&C will do them in attacking poses as Vivians Briigade is shown in some famous paintings of Wateloo. Vivian and Vandeleur Light Cavalry Generals and Heavy Cavalry Ponsonby could be also be good characters todo.
Even a vignettes of such characters may be a option.
The Life Guards Heavy Cavalry with their blue uniforms could also reuse the Royal Dragoon Guard moulds and tools with supplementary additions?
For infantry - French Young Guard could be done which would be distinctive and colourful enough to add variety.
For the British infantry the Rifles as been said would be safe option and would sell well.
But the eithe the Nassau / Dutch / Belgiums Regiment could be done in a limited fashion to test the water?
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Some good suggestions here. But sometime in the future I would really really like too see the French Carabiniers Heavy Cavalry preferably the 1st or 2nd Regiment whom fought at Waterloo. They would be great additions. These will certainly sell well ..^&cool
For the British either 15th Hussars with their unusual brown busbies or my preference would be the 10th Light Dragoons (Hussars actually) with their felt red shakos and bright coloured smart uniforms.^&cool.I hope K&C will do them in attacking poses as Vivians Briigade is shown in some famous paintings of Wateloo. Vivian and Vandeleur Light Cavalry Generals and Heavy Cavalry Ponsonby could be also be good characters todo.
Even a vignettes of such characters may be a option.
The Life Guards Heavy Cavalry with their blue uniforms could also reuse the Royal Dragoon Guard moulds and tools with supplementary additions?
For infantry - French Young Guard could be done which would be distinctive and colourful enough to add variety.
For the British infantry the Rifles as been said would be safe option and would sell well.
But the eithe the Nassau / Dutch / Belgiums Regiment could be done in a limited fashion to test the water?

Errata: It should be Royal Horse Guards "with their blue uniforms could reuse the 2nd Life Guard (Not Royal Dragoon Guard) moulds and tools with supplementary additions?"
:confused: For some reason I can't REdit this Post now?

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