Some french cavalry bearing down on a sqaure sounds good but way does it have to be british??? There are so many british figures on the market already.
How about something new to fill the gaps that need to be filled?
I would like to see some 3 or 4 piece sets of some of the other allies in square poses like kneeling to repel/standing to repel and firing poses so you could buy mulitple sets of these to build squares.
Some dutch/belgian units or brunswick units would be cool and some british artillary hideing under there cannons and getting choped up by some currassiers outside of these squares would be great! Maybe a couple of dead gunners and a pose of one of the gunners useing the cannon ram to fight off the cavalry at close quarters.
How about a cuirassier firing from behind his dead horse.
If these other allied troops sell well in the 3 or 4 piece sets to make up some squares how about adding some command sets and wounded figures.
They should at least give something new a try and see if it sells and a couple of 3 piece sets that can be bought in multiples to form sqaures would be a great way to give it a try.
Just please no more bearded figures in armies that did not permit having beards! Save the beards for the sapper figures please!, they were allowed to have them.