Nashville, TN (1 Viewer)


Jan 23, 2012
So my wife is going to be running the music City Marathon this weekend in Nashville and I need to find something to do with myself. Any good places to possibly pick up a few Britains? Or any good sites worth visiting? I know there is a Civil War era fort there, I was planning on checking it out. Thanks for the input guys.
If you are a Civil War buff, the Franklin battlefield is of interest. Unfortunately, not much is left of it, but it was one of the bloodiest Civil War battles. The Murfreesboro battlefield is within driving distance and worth a visit. The Hermitage home of Andrew Jackson is also interesting.
Awesome! Thank you Lo!

One of my favorite sites is Franklin, about 30 minutes south of Nashville. Main Street Toy Company there has a large selection of Britains. Only warning is Nashville and Franklin sites are a bit built up, little like Fredericksburg, hard to get an overall view of the battle in the urban areas but some nice parts and period dwellings.

Have fun!
Al, Thank you. I will certainly be stopping in at Franklin at least for a few hours. Richard, I will also be checking out the Main Street toy company.

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