NCAA Picks (1 Viewer)


Four Star General
Apr 23, 2005
How is everybody doing with their picks (for those who participate)? Where I work, we have a $10 pool, with about 500 participants or so. At this point, I've trashed my sheet.
No pool for me this year being retired unless I bet against my cat. Besides all the big 10 teams are out- whatever happened to my Michigan State? John
No pools for me since I am retired. But you might be able to guess who I am rooting for. We won 10 out of 12 years including 7 in a row. We even had some kid named Lew Alcindor who changed that perfectly good name for some other moniker.
Let's hear it for George Mason University and underdogs everywhere!
You guys have pity on me MSU went down in flames last night. My wife is in mooring its her School. The Navy sent me to Univ. of OK.

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