Need a painter (1 Viewer)


Mar 14, 2010
Hi -

My name is David and I am new to this website. I have two (2) of the new Blackhawk Carthaginian War Elephants I want to get repainted. First, the paint job Andrea Miniatures did is lacking. Many things are painted "out of the lines" and is just dull, sloppy and boring and has no depth to the paint job (very flat). I was very disappointed when I received them. Second, I want them painted as Roman War Elephants and Im looking for a good professional quality to fit in with my Aero-Art Romans and other Russian originated figures. Please email me at dtt28 (at) cornell (dot) edu if you are interested in doing this.

Hi -

My name is David and I am new to this website. I have two (2) of the new Blackhawk Carthaginian War Elephants I want to get repainted. First, the paint job Andrea Miniatures did is lacking. Many things are painted "out of the lines" and is just dull, sloppy and boring and has no depth to the paint job (very flat). I was very disappointed when I received them. Second, I want them painted as Roman War Elephants and Im looking for a good professional quality to fit in with my Aero-Art Romans and other Russian originated figures. Please email me at dtt28 (at) cornell (dot) edu if you are interested in doing this.

Niena studio can make this

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