New and Old Diorama's!!! (1 Viewer)


Private 2
Nov 3, 2010
Work has literally been all encompassing, but I have taken some time to work on some diorama these last two nights...late nights.

I received the new mosque!! Hat's off to Gordon as usual. This I have centered...with two desert wall sections left and right...two of the watch tower pieces left and right of that...two of the gate sections left and right of that...and the desert shop on one side and the desert village house on the other. I have no more room...unfortunately for the stable. However, I am waiting with baited breath for the Minaret sections in a couple of weeks. :)

What a display it has made. I just had the room to squeeze all of this on 16" wide shelving unit that has presented my Afrika Corps and Italian K&C collection thus far. I was also able to display most of my collection now that I have so many places to post soldiers up high.

I tell looks awesome. My wife...whom has not typically commented positively on the soldier takeover of our home....actually loved this display and observed it for about 10 minutes!!!! I need more dio pieces!!!

Also, I wondered if K&C was ever going to make the mosque base piece I saw at the Chicago show. There was never any mention of it in the last dispatches or K&C Hong Kong site. But is pictured and numbered on the mosque looks like it is coming our way.

Also, I was looking at the site for other dio pieces and I noted something else. This is the description of Sp037 Battle Scarred Normandy Church states "superbly detailed rendering of both the exterior and interior facades of a typical Norman church. Both sides of the building provide a wealth of diorama possibilities whether they be the Thirty Years War… Napoleonic Campaigns or even more recent Twentieth Century conflicts… the choice is yours!"

I never noticed the part about the The Thirty Years War!! Was Andy leaving us a little hint? or just a coincidence?..could be. I would buy all soldiers made in this time frame. Also the following continuance after this time frame of Landschnecht Mercenaries would be top on my list. St Petersburg/ Nienna are the only ones that have truly portraid these soldiers with excellent detail. However at too high a cost. Would love to see K&C do this at their much more affordable pricing.

Well I gotta go. Back to the laptop...this weeks schedule..etc. So take care.

Also. I would like to apologize to anyone I may have offended recently. It has been a tough time for work and family lately...and I did not need to transfer that to the forum.

One more thing..I am in the market for the original French Farm House Diorama if anyone is considering selling one. I want in for my Nap War display. Just leave me note if so.

Have Fun!
I agree, Gordon does some fantastic work! The French farm house is a very wanted item right now and well worth it if you can find one. Wish we had one to sell you, good luck on finding one. Stay tuned, K&C has many more diorama pieces to come...
Best Regards
Martin Vasquez
Development Manager
Kings X
I agree, Gordon does some fantastic work! The French farm house is a very wanted item right now and well worth it if you can find one. Wish we had one to sell you, good luck on finding one. Stay tuned, K&C has many more diorama pieces to come...
Best Regards
Martin Vasquez
Development Manager
Kings X
Thanks for your reply Martin,

I have a design meeting with a client in San Antonio today. I am going to try and make it by Kings X before or after. Looking forward to it.

Take care!!
Thanks for your reply Martin,

I have a design meeting with a client in San Antonio today. I am going to try and make it by Kings X before or after. Looking forward to it.

Take care!!

Martin, Just got back from SA. What a store. I am going to start a new thread about it!!:)

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