New Beau Geste Coming Soon (1 Viewer)

Peter Reuss

2nd Lieutenant
Apr 22, 2005
Here's what you can expect soon from Beau Geste. You may have seen a few of these things at the Chicago Show.

First, from the Delhi Durbar:



Next, from the American Revolution:


They are expected later this month.
Beau Geste also updated their release date for two WWI sets. They should be here by the end of the month.

BG185: Carabinieri's Guards, Camel Corps, Palestine, 1917-18 - no image yet available

BG196: Greek Evzone, 2nd regt., 1918

Gentle Friends,

I was fortunate to be able to puchase one of the elephants shown above at the OTSN show. They are breathtakingly beautiful! I must find some way to save more money so I can purchase the other one!

Warmest personal regards,


I recently received a price list from Ana that showed the elephants going in the neighborhood of 500 bucks.

Not to say thats what they were sold for at the show but I'm sure they were expensive and from what I've seen well worth it.

We have the elephants available for pre-order on our web site for $549.

That is the price they were sold for at the show.
We have the elephants available for pre-order on our web site for $549.

That is the price they were sold for at the show.

Gentle Friends,

I purchased the Kasmir elephant at the show and the price was, indeed, $549.00. The elephants are pricey, but I think they are worth every penny. They are truly magnificent! The pictures do not do them justice!

After that level of expenditure, it will be a long while before I can purchase another one. :eek: However, I can dream, can't I? :)

Warmest personal regards,

Sadly, that price point is way out of my league. They are beautiful ,especially the first one. Ah well, back to the studio to work on my own:rolleyes:

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