New book on the French 2nd Armored Division... (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Apr 30, 2005
There is a new book from Progress Publishing out of Poland, "Camouflage and Markings of the French 2nd Armored Division" by Claude Gillono.

Many people forget that there was an "extra" armored division in the US Army's drive across Europe in 1944-45. The Free French provided the personnel for three armored divisions. Two of them, the 1er Division Blinde and the 5eme DB came in via southern France and served entirely with the French First Army, but one, the 2eme DB, came into Normandy with the US build up and served in the breakout from Normandy, helped liberate Paris and was part of Patton's drive across northern France. That division served with both French and US commands through the end of the war, and was one of the units racing to Hitler's home at Berchtesgarden in 1945. This book provides a brief overview of the Free French 2nd Armored Division in combat in Europe, 1944-45. There are comments on the organization, the types of equipment used and some of the unit's markings. The division was not only important to the US Army, but it provides the collector/modeler an opportunity to show different markings and some types of equipment that were not in general use with the rest of the US Army in Europe. I recommend the book and recommend reading about the Free French 2nd Armored Division, its fiery commander Jaques LeClerc and the political friction between Eisenhower's HQ and the French forces. An under appreciated area of study in WW2 history - at least on this side of the Atlantic.

I got mine through a local dealer that uses Squadron Shops' MMD as their jobber. It is available from multiple sources.

Gary B.

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