New Britains book 1973 to present!! (1 Viewer)


Jan 7, 2007
I see in my Feb issue of OTS Journal a 2-page add outlining Norman Joplin's new Britains book on figures 1973 to present, including a photo. Does anyone get this journal as my scanner is not working? The book is published by Schiffer although nothing is about it on their site. The photo of the book looks like the same format as his earlier ones, has a price guide and is expected to be published this summer. You can email him for advance order of signed copies.

Shannon, did Norman send you anything about this?
That's a must have for me. I have his Britains civilian book, it has provided me with much needed knowledge and stopped me from being ripped off.

Looking forward to this one.

Now if I could only get a copy of the Great Book of Britains :(
That's a must have for me. I have his Britains civilian book, it has provided me with much needed knowledge and stopped me from being ripped off.

Looking forward to this one.

Now if I could only get a copy of the Great Book of Britains :(

On Joplin's web site, he has now listed the price of the Britains book covering the 1973 to present period as retailing for $99.99.
Hi all I understand Norm will be at the WestCoaster this year. I will sneek a peek at said tome and come up with a review..HOPEFULLY!!
That would be great, apparently is has photos of every set produced since 1973 - over 3000!:eek:
That would be great, apparently is has photos of every set produced since 1973 - over 3000!:eek:

Are you sure -- even if he puts 6 photos on very page -- that's still 500 pages!!!! It would be nice, but I wonder?
Thanks for the info. I've been hoping for something like this for awhile. I will check out the website tonight.
I did receive some information from Norman Joplin and there is also a two-page preview article in the Old Toy Soldier Winter 2008 issue.

Britains New Toy Soldiers 1973 to the Present covers the thirty-five year period from the beginning of the New Toy Soldier line to present and will be released Summer 2008.

I should point out that the focus is exclusively on glossy figures and matte-painted figures are not included.

That said, it sounds quite comprehensive for glossy Britains with 1100 photos of over 3200 figures, military, special issue and civilian included as well as a valuation guide.

Thanks to Shannon and all those who have shown interest in my new book.
The summary Shannon has posted is the officail information that is to hand at the moment,the price quoted on my web site books link page is provissional as indicated to me by Schiffer Publishing earlier this year.The proposed publication date is Summer 2008.
I will be happy to answer any questions about the forthcoming book either via this forum or via my webs site contact page.
Although the book is very comprehensive there are a small number of sets that could not be located for photography,never the less where possible all those sets are mentioned in the text. Britains First Gear and General Manager Richard Walker has been of immense assistance in helping with the book,My thanks however go to my co Author John Waterworth who made his entire collection available for photography and Lynn Kenwood of MKL Models among many others listed in the "thank you" section of the book for their total support in helping me produce this volume.
Those of you who have purchased my preveios books will know thathe Photography is outstanding and my thanks again go to my friend Philip Dean for his excellent work.
Harrods and Hamleys issues are included with their own chapter in the book,this was fairly hard area for me to research and a number of items specially packaged for the two retail outlets have since come to light.
If anyone has a Britains figure contained within special Packaging for Holyrood Palace in Edinburgh,I would be pleased to hear from them.
My publishers have indicated that they are willing to periodically update the book every 2/3 years and work is already underway to accumulate additional pictures for the updated versions
Norman Joplin February 23 2008
Thanks for the info Norman.

If the new book is anything like your Civilian book it will be an absolute corker. I still browse through it and it has been an immense help to me and also allowed me to help fellow collectors who were looking for info. I purchased mine through Richard of The Toy Box, and thank you very much for signing it for me.

On a side bar, are there any plans to do a similar book but based on the plastic series?

Thanks again, and I look forward to the release of your new book.


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