New Britains plastic figures???? (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Nov 3, 2005
Now that K&C has gone plastic what are the chances Britains will also??? Back around 2005-2006 when Britains was sold they said they would bring back the Detail line of plastic figures and asked here on the forum what we would like to see and said they would rerun the the old line of figures with better painting and would start sculpting some new sets, but it never happened.:mad:
Now that K&C has gone plastic maybe now is the time for Britains to bring back the Detail line with better figures like they stated and maybe even do some of there older metal figures in plastic.
Here is what was said from Britains back in 2006!

01-25-2006, 01:59 PM #10
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Default Re: How do I identify/value Britains Deetail 70's era?

So what would you guys think if Deetail got a face lift in 2006? Upgraded realistic bases with texture and more realistic/detailed painting? Bring back some old poses too possibly? And then look at some brand new figures in late 2006/early 2007? Periods you'd like to see?

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Default Re: How do I identify/value Britains Deetail 70's era?

Some plans underway to upgrade Deetail in 2006 - with more detailed painting, new more realistic bases with texture and even the re-release of a few old poses. And then all new poses and periods in late 2006/early 2007? Open to your ideas and thoughts for new Deetail!

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Default Re: How do I identify/value Britains Deetail 70's era?

Keep the ideas coming - you guys are all coming up with what is on our top 10 list - good to hear it confirmed and to know we are all on the right track. How about metal bases with rocks, texture, grass etc? A good point was raised earlier about who we are selling to - children #1 - not because I do not appreciate the older collectors like you all and myself - but because many of you have kids and really want something cool to give to them - and there is the practical fact that we all love this hobby and want to see it grow and thrive for another 100 years and we need new younger collectors to do that. And of course as a business I want Britains to be around for another 100 years too! Metal bases are still on the list - at the monent - as they will stand up on the carpet for kids to play with - remember those days???? (I "help" my three old son set up battles now - its a "chore" but someone has to do it .....), but also very realistic so you are happy and so are the younger collectors - they expect more now than we did 30 years ago - thanks to video games, computers and TV that knocks your sox off. I would hope to make figures and periods that appeal to the new younger collectors but also capture your interest and imagination as well - I think it is possible. I am really intrigued by Papo and Schleich as well as the unpainted figures out there on plastic bases - many issues here - size/scale, base material, painted/unpainted - would love to hear what you guys think is good, bad and why - not only for you but also for our children/younger collectors .


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This was taken from this old thread posted here on the forum back in 2006!

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