New Manes Marzano Dervishes (1 Viewer)

Peter Reuss

2nd Lieutenant
Apr 22, 2005
Even if your not into Dervishes, you have to see the sculpting on these camels!! Fernando Manes Marzano just let us know what he has been working on, and we hope to have these available for the Chicago Show. Check these out!

Oh no! another must have. Really like that period of history- gloss or matte?? Leadmen
The ones pictured above come in a matte finish. He is making one set in what he calls 'brilliant.' I believe he puts a shiny coating over the regular paint. Here's that image:

I know this is an extremely old thread, but have been curious about these. Does anybody out there own them and if so, what do you think? Scale-wise and paint quality wise in particular. The sculpting looks to be stunning. Thanks.
I guess I am also curious about the company and its namesake. Is he still actively producing new material and that sort of thing? Thanks again.
Dear Mister Dave,
Well, I've been waiting for the Manes Marzano collectors to step in and tell you what they think of the product. I obviously like it or I wouldn't stock it. In the meantime I can tell you that yes, Manes Marzano is actively producing figures. His operation is quite small so you don't see large amounts of new releases that you see with some larger companies. He has been focusing on expanding his Retreat from Russia line and recently released Set #3 of 7. We have been working with Fernando for quite a few years and are the exclusive US dealer for his work.
Here is the blurb we have on the website about the company:

Established in 2002 the Manes Marzano line is owned & operated by J. Fernando Manes Marzano, a political cartoonist in Argentina. These 54mm metal figures are designed & sculpted by Fernando & produced & hand-painted in a matte finish by local artisans.

FYI We can also special order figures with glossy finish if you prefer. His cartoons are completely different than his sculpting--more like if Picasso drew cartoons. Sometimes the newspapers he uses in shipping have his cartoons in them. I tried to find some examples for you on the net but the best I could do was to give you a link to his political caricatures. You can view them here on his website. If you poke around on his website you will find a variety of other collectibles that are all available by special order from Treefrog as well. The wooden boxes the sets come in are collector items in themselves.
Please let me know if you have further questions about the line that I could answer.
Thanks for the information, Shannon. I had a look at his website...very impressive. I am really hoping to get a first hand look at his Dervish figures at some point. The Treefrog crew is usually present at OTSN Chicago, correct? If so, perhaps I could look at some of these then (must be patient). Thanks again.

Mister Dave

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