New member second hand market (1 Viewer)


May 23, 2010
I have been reading the forum for about 18 months, never joined until now, but wanted to give my opinion on a few things that seem to go round and round the forum.

From watching prices on probably the biggest supplier of second hand K & C, EBAY, I think prices are dropping, I have seen a few pieces in the last month that went for quite low amounts, the Dragonwagon recently went for £196, saw an old Mounted German cavalry trooper go for under £80 [can remember the last one went at over £150], plus an 88 gun has gone for £155.

There will always be some figures that keep there prices, NA02 always goes for a good price second hand, as do other early nap figures, but generally I have noticed a trend of prices falling, have a few ideas why, but it is probably a mixture, including current economic situation, but i also think the prices of new sets have had something to do with it, from conversations with other collectors there seems to be a trend of downsizing. With people who would have collected 3, 4 or even more different sets deciding to either stop collect one set completely [as I have - napoleonic, have all upto NA, the prices of the new sets are a bit restrictive for me] or selling off a set to finance their other ongoing sets.

Thats all I have to say on this, happy collecting

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