New Member (1 Viewer)


Nov 18, 2016
Greetings all. My name is Tom and I am a new member here. My long interest in artillery started me collecting both older Britains artillery for a number of years and newer production pieces more recently. My collection started around the fascination with the story of the RHA at the battle of Nery in WW1. Always a favorite bit of history.

I am American with old family roots in the U.K. Growing up in a very "military" family, my interests in all facets and eras of military history have always been instilled in me. I build models, collect relics, including historical military firearms, from all eras and branches of various military organizations.

Welcome Tom. you'll find a wealth of info on here and some great and interesting blokes. My interests and collection is primarily WW2, K&C, FL, Britains, Figarti, TGM, some TCS and FV. I like all history though and if I could afford it, I would collect other history periods.

Hi Tom. Thanks for the welcome. There is so much out there that interests me. Money and space are always limiting factors to my collecting. I try to limit myself to Artillery, but I am not always successful in that regard. Tanks and infantry sneak into the collection now and then..:rolleyes:

From another American with a military family and old roots in the UK (especially up north), welcome!

My dad was artillery so I grew up around Ft. Sill, Camp Shelby and Fort Bragg listening to the big beauties sing!
Nice! I have Navy history on my Dad's side and Artillery and Medical Corps roots on my Mother's side. They range in eras from WW1 to the Vietnam war. Thanks for the welcome.

Welcome aboard Tom. We are a friendly bunch here for the most part :D Any questions ask away. :salute::
Welcome to the Forum, Tom! I look forward to seeing your collection and chewing the fat with you about toy soldiers.

I also welcome you as another painter. There's a good number of us who paint our own, or even cast and paint our own, and it's always nice to meet another brushman. Take a look at johnnybach's posts, particularly. I think you may find his work interesting, if you like Britains, or classic hollowcasts, or both.

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Enjoy the ride Tom on this forum, so much shared information and a great bunch of people who share your passion for history.:salute::, Robin.
Welcome Tom,

This forum is great place to explore the world of Toy Soldiers. It benefits greatly from a positive, upbeat membership that contributes a lot in the way of thoughtful comment, pictures and other worthwhile content. You mentioned that you are interested in artillery. Let me recommend a thread to you. It's titled, appropriately enough, "why collect artillery." It's one of my favorites and I'm sure that you'll enjoy it as well.

Again welcome, and enjoy the TF/TS forum,

Hi Tom,
Welcome! As it seems we share a lot of common interests, and like all in the group, I welocme you! The hobby for me is a great therapy and the friends you make here in the forum are the biggest bonus and they come from all parts of the world .....:salute:::cool:
As my nick says I need not tell which is my topic of interest...kkkkk...
I mainly focus on late Victorian up to some WW2......And as you have well said, money and space dictates what we can and connot do......{sm2}{sm2}..the cookie jar holds just so much and the wife has defined the amount of space I can let us enjoy...
By what I have seen you are a talanted painter/builder...the 13 pdr and the 75 carriage section with horses are just very nice.....
Artillery Crazy ( aka Luiz )
Thank you everyone for the kind comments and for sharing our common interests. This certainly is the right place for me to be!

I have a glass case full of soldiers and artillery pieces I painted and collected over a lifetime. I have just re entered the hobby after about 10 years, attracted by the availability of many wonderful soldiers and hardware relative to the hobby. My painting skills are a bit rusty but they are coming back more and more.

Glad I found this site. It is really great!

Welcome and do not shy out show us the sets.....I would love to see the artillery pictures
And if you say that your painitng skills are a bit rusty...geee...when they are full time back we will be in for a treat....

Thank you everyone for the kind comments and for sharing our common interests. This certainly is the right place for me to be!

I have a glass case full of soldiers and artillery pieces I painted and collected over a lifetime. I have just re entered the hobby after about 10 years, attracted by the availability of many wonderful soldiers and hardware relative to the hobby. My painting skills are a bit rusty but they are coming back more and more.

Glad I found this site. It is really great!

Welcome and do not shy out show us the sets.....I would love to see the artillery pictures
And if you say that your painitng skills are a bit rusty...geee...when they are full time back we will be in for a treat....

Welcome,,,as to painting the figures ,,plastics,,castings etc are better then ever,,not to mention the references,,after market available on the net,,,,check out the Russian master painters and those here for inspiration,,
Very addictive forum Tom, you will enjoy the ride I am sure. Welcome mate. Robin.
Welcome to the forum! I have similar interests, including artillery and militaria/firearms collecting. What kinds of firearms do you collect?

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