New Napoleonic Book (1 Viewer)


2nd Lieutenant
Apr 24, 2005
I received a hard cover book from my friend and fellow collector for my birthday. This book is on uniforms of the Napoleonic and Rev. War. I think this is a quality book which retails for about $35.00 US. Reference books don't come out that often so it is nice to see a book with uniform detail and color plates.
The title is: An Illustrated Encylopedia of Uniforms of the Napoleonic Wars 1792-1815. There is also pictures of the US 1812 uniforms. All color plates.
* Detailed information on the uniforms of the Austrian, British, French, Prussian and Russian forces, with additional material on the minor forces.
* Pictorial detail with over 600 color illustrations of uniforms, historical
scenes, battle plans and campaign maps.

The authors are Digby Smith and Jeremy Black
Published by Lorenz books- Anness publishing ltd. 2006
UK agent The Manning Partnership Ltd. tel. 01225 478444 Fax 01225 478440
UK distributor: Grantham Book Service Ltd. tel. 01476 541061; **** Us National book network;
Australian agent. Pan Macmill.coman Australia; tel.1300 135 113; Fax 1300 135 103; customer. service @
New Zealand Agent/distributor: David Bateman Ltd; tel. 09 415 7664 Fax (09)415 8892
Leadmen also, pics of Revolutionary war.
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John, Now you must submit to the endless black hole of troop and uniform types of the Napoleonic wars.Resist temptation no more.Overrun the house in 54mm Napoleonics.Mary will understand .

I'll hunt for that book , it sounds good.Thanks for the info

Leadmen....are All The Pictures Paintings And Drawings....i'm Looking For One That Has Real Pictures Of Real Pieces Of Uniforms And Weapons....would This Fit What I'm Looking For?

Leadmen....are All The Pictures Paintings And Drawings....i'm Looking For One That Has Real Pictures Of Real Pieces Of Uniforms And Weapons....would This Fit What I'm Looking For?

Wellington: This book does not have pictures of real equiptment. All the pictures are color drawings. Everything in book in color but no orginal equiptment pictures that I see. Leadmen No real uniform or weapon pictures.
Coincidentally came across the same book over the week end.

Looked interesting with many color plates ... and quick reference narratives of various types of infantry, calvary & artillery. Headgear and uniforms.

Can't wait to get started on the book.


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