New Release: REV WAR 17th LIGHT DRAGOONS! (1 Viewer)

The Collectors Showcase

Staff Sergeant
Dec 4, 2006

TCS brings on Banastre Tarleton’s henchman ala’ The 17th Light Dragoons. This unit fought with Tarleton throughout their tenure in the Colonies. The 17th Light Dragoons sported a skull and crossbones on their helmets so as to ensure their opponents got the message of their ill intent at the get go. TCS has created five poses that can be mixed and matched as a collector wishes. These fine sculpts are incoming next month and are sure to be “ Tots Up”

Below is the catalog page that these fine fellows occupy. If you aren’t signed up for the free catalog please visit the site and do so. There will be a special 30 page catalog issued this holiday with oodles of goodies to ensure your savings plan falls quickly to pot.:tongue:

New releases coming up soon in a few days, keep those eyes peeled!



Nice looking sets indeed. $87 - $90 may be a bit steep for me, but they are MOUNTED and that is really nice.
Hope to get a close up look at these sets next week in Chicago.

--- LaRRy
Nice figures.
I would like to see more romans,dismounted federal cavalry and canadians mounties.^&grin

Nice looking sets indeed. $87 - $90 may be a bit steep for me, but they are MOUNTED and that is really nice.
Hope to get a close up look at these sets next week in Chicago.

--- LaRRy

Currently doesn't seem to be much left out there of figures on horse back costing less than $70.00

Very nice looked forward to this range,

are you bringing out any further Roman / barbarian soon,

thank you
Currently doesn't seem to be much left out there of figures on horse back costing less than $70.00


True words there, Wayne. .... I guess my 'older' brain still recalls the original release of the K&C AWI Mounted Dragoons, I think, at $59....
Ahhhhh ...... the good ol' days. But these look really nice and "I hope" at match for K&C AWI sets.

--- LaRRy
Very cool! You need to edit your ad copy, though. The text in the middle of the flyer reads "12th Dragoons", but they're the 17th Light Dragoons.

these are really cool action poses...

especially the guy aiming his pistol at a downward angle and the guy leaning over ready to slash with his sword...

very creative poses...
Have always liked CS's animation.Right up there with Conte.

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